{Chapter Thirteen}

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{Just arriving at Sunagakure}

Wow it's really hot here, how the hell do people live here?! You could literally melt someone if you wanted to! I wonder where Gaara is. I'll find him later after I shake everyone off. Glancing around the Kazekage's office, I noticed that everyone was all paying attention to the Kaze more than they were me. Good now I can go find Gaara and make a friend without being judged about being a jinjuriki. Quietly sneaking out, dodging the sand guards, I made my way to the rooftop of the kazekage tower to find a red head staring intently at the sand in the distance. Why? Well I don't fucking know because I do the same thing when I'm just chillin' on top of my fathers head at the hokage monument.

So me being me, I decided to join him because all of this standing is seriously taking its toll on my sore body. "Mother tells me that you are one alike me.", hot damn this boy speaks like a smexy mother fucker. 'Naruko? Why are you speaking like that?' 'Uh, I don't really know.', okay back to Gaara. "Yes I am and so that's why I came looking for you because I never really meet another jinjuriki before.", Gaara gave me a blank look but I knew he was surprised because he didn't respond right away. So I gave him a small nice smile making him relax more better around me, after all I am a complete stranger and well you know the old saying, 'Stranger Danger.' and well, that's me!


I don't understand this feeling, it makes me want to go to it but then again it could be another trick of my father's to assassinate me...again. He has always tried to kill me so to me it's 'kill to feel alive' and well killing to feel alive is all I can do because it makes me feel normal and not die by the hands of my father. It wasn't my fault I was born like this but if I have to I will kill to survive, and survive I will. I lost my mother at childbirth so I don't really know what she was like but her brother did, Yashamaru was always there for me. He was the only one that never ran away or was scared of me because he loved me, but that all changed the day my father gave him a choice, kill me or go against the Kazekage word to protect me.

It was a choice that he could have gotten out of but in the end he chose to kill me and in turn I killed him because he never did loved me. I was a monster that killed his own mother, Yashamaru's twin sister died to give birth to me; a monster that should have never been born. I shouldn't have been born. Maybe my mother would still be alive today. A presence was close to me but I didn't let the intruder know that I knew they were here. 'She is one alike you in many ways.' 'Mother.', so another jinjuriki was here and is sitting next to me. Maybe I can get to know of what similarity we share of being alike as one. "Mother tells me that you are alike one as me.", at first she, when I glanced at said 'her' I saw a boy not a girl. Mother was wrong? But that can't be it, Mother was always right never has she been wrong about something.

I tensed up not knowing what to do until he spoke, "Yes I am and so that's why I came looking for you because I never really meet another jinjuriki before.", I was highly surprised that he has never meet another jinjuriki before but I as well has not meet another jinjuriki but I'm also freaking out because Mother has been wrong about this jinjuriki being a girl. Said boy gave me a small nice smile that somewhat relaxed me but Mother whispered out to me, 'Do not be deceived she is merely using a transformation genjutsu to deceive others within her home village.', and just like that my body relaxed. I turned my head to look over this 'girl' and could actually see the genjutsu that Mother was talking about but I don't understand why she is using said genjutsu. She looked up at the sky closing her eyes before slowly the boy features disappeared, showing a scared skinny broken girl behind.

I could feel my eyes widen as the saddest blue eyes stared back at my jade foam green eyes, silently telling me a story that would destroy anyone's sanity, but she, she was willing to fight, to fight for what she believes in but is slowly losing the battle to keep going the longer this torment goes on. I could tell she was tired and hurt so with guide and aid of Mothers help I wrapped my arms around her, supporting her body as it layed snuggled into my side, slowly relaxing from a long long time of abuse and always being on alert. Slowly but surely she fell into a peaceful sleep with me watching over her.

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