{Chapter Twenty-Three}

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{At the Kazekage's tower}

The second we arrived at Suna Gaara swept me away with his sand and embraced me the minute my feet touched the floor of his office. "Gar-Gar." "Ko-Ko please let me see.", I did what Gaara wanted me to do by letting him see what they did to me before I was once again found in Gaara's strong embrace just as the rest of the rookie nine walked into the room with warm smiles to see Gaara. "Hey Gaara! How's it going my youthful friend!", Rock-Lee was the first one to greet him as he gave Gaara the youthful smile of his. 'I see he hasn't changed one bit.' Gaara told me before talking with the other's while keeping a one sided talk with me without the other noticing between his pausing of their conversation to answer me instead within our secret bond link.

I really did like being away from the Leaf because it gave me the opportunity to feel freedom but the pain in my body brought me back to the reality of it all. I will never free no matter how many times I wish it to happen. Nothing will change that, nothing. After we all got caught up with each other Gaara took us to his home where Kankuro was being wrestled to the ground by a very pissed of pink Temari. "Haha, cat boy getting his ass kicked by a girl!", Kiba busted up laughing and ended up being pulled into the friendly sprawl by the siblings that slowly got everyone else to join leaving Gaara and I to watch them making them look like idiots. I walked over into the kitchen to make some tea while Gaara got out two cups than sat down and talked with me through the bond. 'Naruko, why don't you just talk to someone to try and take some of the pain off of your shoulders?' 'Gaara you know I can't do that when your the only person who knows what is going on.' I was meet with silence but the presence of Gaara told me he, he was still within my mind but was thinking about what to say next so I poured him and I a cup of tea before hearing what Gaara had to say next. 'Why not just sugar coat some of the things and talk it out with someone you trust the most in the Leaf village besides me.'

Man I hated it when he knew what I was going to say even before I think it. It's like he knows way before I even do. 'Fine but I won't guarantee that it will go well.' 'I know but at least have someone to talk to besides just me that way you don't have to bare with all of this pain alone.' I smiled at Gaara before falling silent and sipping my tea with the noise of the others horsing around in the living room. 'I hope I don't make a mistake with who I'm going to tell. Please understand Iruka when I do tell you my secrets.'


I waited patiently for Naruko to return from her mission so I could talk to her about me knowing some of the things that was going on with her when no one was around. 'Oh I hope you don't push me away Naruko and give me the chance to help you through the pain.' grading the paper was the only thing that kept me from pacing the room in nervous worry for my comrade that I think of as little sister that I never had. 'Please accept my help...Naruko~'  

Secrets UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora