{Chapter Thirty-Six}

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I couldn't believe that this was real, I could still remember the memories of Naruko being beaten and tortured by the villagers but this, this was another thing. She loves me and that couldn't make me any happier. The small little void of fuzziness in the back of my head was gone now that I was with Naruko, the one who suffered by the hands of the villagers but survived her battle. Smiling I hugged her closer to me, she ended up falling back to sleep after we had our love confession make out. It was way better than what I thought it would be like in my head. She was mine now and no one is going to take her away from me!


Quietly I closed the door as a small smile made its home on my usually frowning lips, she has now finally have her piece of happiness in her life. 'Kakashi I give you my blessing.'


What a drag everyone is still reeling from what has been told but at least Gaara-sama was nice enough to tell us the rest of her story as she slept in with Kakashi-sensei watching over her. 'I wonder if they will be dating by the end of our stay here?' what a drag.


Naruko is such a brave girl, oh barbecue chips! *munch*


I wonder if she would be willing to spar with me when she is feeling better...


She will help me bring back my clan to its full glory! *smirks eerily*


Kakashi is one lucky fellow. I wonder when they will be expecting.


I can't wait for Naruko to wake up I have so many questions for her.

{Rock Lee & Guy's}

We will have our youthful comrad back and have her youthfulness back in no time!


Can they get any weirder? I swear those to could be secretly dating... *shudders at Guy an Rock Lee's love affection mental image*


I hope Naruko is feeling better knowing that her loved ones are closed again and she doesn't have to pretend or hide in front of us again.

{All the girl's}

I want to take her shopping and have a girly sleepover party!


She's gonna and try to take away my SASUKE-KUN! 'CHAA! He's MINE! Chaa!'

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