{Chapter Eight}

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{Naruto's p.o.v}

Why? That has always been a great question but it was never answered so I ask you this, why even bother with reading my life story when you could be off doing your own thing? So why? Oh well it doesn't matter. Kicking a small stone, I took a deep breath and once again put my mask on. "Good morning!" I yelled, happily as I ever could be, while jogging up to team sevens meeting ground. The red bridge at training ground three. Like any other day Sakura yells at me, "Naruto, shut up your voice is so annoying!", and that would cause a ripple of depression to explode inside my body but I forced it down, not even hearing Sasuke's witty remark. It's not like they know me to even consider that maybe I'm nothing but a broken mess, that I might as well agree on is, NO ONE KNOWS ME TO SEE THE REAL ME! Like come on, is it that hard to see through my mask and ask the one question that I have always been wanting to hear but instead they just, just...ignore me. Like I'm not even there, no pain, no worries. Ha, and here I thought Sasuke would be the one to see my mask. Guess every geniuses have flaws too. Keeping up with my happy-go-lucky smile, I waited "patiently" for Kakashi-sensei to show up. Which isn't for the next two hours.

"Yo, sorry I'm late," "SAVE IT!!", surprisingly we all yelled at him knowing he was just gonna lie to us, nothing new on his account, anywho Kakashi explained that we were just gonna have a team bonding time and would say something about each other that we like or don't like about each other. Oh great, now I get to hear more flaws that I have that apparently my team doesn't like about me. Great. "Okay, Naruto you can go first.", traitor! Okay let's not get killed. Taking in a deep breath I looked up at Sakura and said, "Sakura-chan, what I like about you is your unique hair and eye color," at that she rolls her eyes acting smugly as she already knows how "beautiful" and "unique" she is. Ha, as if! "And what I don't like about you is your obsession with Sasuke-teme!!" I yelled, the last part while pointing an accusing finger at said raven. Sakura bonked me on the head after defending her "Sasuke-kun" before full blown insulted me, and she never told me anything she likes about me. See, even my own team hates me. Sasuke did his famous 'hn'd' and if you don't know Uchiha language than let me translate for you. He said "Your all a bunch of losers." and that my friends is our great and only egoistic bastard Sasuke. Amen. Kakashi basically just said one comment on that and then dismissed us to go and do whatever we wanted sense we had the week off. Well it's time to go and take a cold shower and wallow in sorrow. 'Oh kit.'

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