{Chapter Fifteen}

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The meeting with the Kazekage was highly boring because I had to watch Kiba make a fool out of himself after the Kaze's oldest daughter and son made an appearance within the room, introducing themselves as Temari and Kankuro; who to me looks like a walking humanoid cat. Yet Kankuro just had to rile up Kiba who apparently has a short temper. What can you expect from an Inuzuka. I was also shocked to notice that my little Naru sneaked his way out of the meeting without anyone noticing, but I wonder what made him leave the room. Wait when did he leave the room and how long was he gone for? "Thank you for bringing the scroll, if you would like my son and daughter shall show you around Suna to relax some or can start heading out now back to your village but I do please insist that you stay for the night after all it is a three day trip from wind country to fire country.", the Kaze spoke as he stood and waved his hand out to his children before giving us the choice.

I looked around at the other's noting all the tired looks and nodded at Guy who exclaimed that we shall be staying to rest up back to our "youthfulness", man I feel bad for Neji and Ten-Ten but still cringe at the sight of both Guy and Rock-Lee. *cringe* after the oh so disturbing image I transported myself out of the room to the entrance of the Kazekage tower, to be greeted by two ANBU guards. Nodding at them in greeting, the ANBU returning the nod back, I walked off with my all so familiar orange book in the open for all to see. Like any other day I would read and keep an eye out for a certain blond but sense I wasn't within my home I was keeping tabs on my surroundings, finding four ANBU trailing me; watching my every move. 'That kind of came out stalkerish but I assure you, they were just keeping tabs on the rookie nine and their sensei's for safety of the village', man I should really social more.

I didn't once find Naruto but I did have to dodge Guy who was looking for me but I wasn't in the mood to have one of our friendly spars, now where would Naruto be at and how the hell can he be so goddamn good at just completely disappearing off the face of the earth? HOW?! 'Well I'm not going to find him on foot so ally-youp', landing quietly on the building I looked around for any signs of someone that I know or a bright sunny blob of blond hair of my Naru. "Where are you Naru?"


The feeling of a soft warm grip felt lovely when I woke up but I was also really confused as to why I felt safe and warm. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. "GAARA!" I yelled, as I sat up really fast to look at the said redhead who was looking around to see if there was a threat or something before turning to me; he had the look that said it all. 'What-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you-bitch?' if looks could kill I would be laughing at the person who drops dead at his glare of death. "What is it Naruko?", Gaara's voice was low and raspy but hot as hell, like when a guy with a really deep voice and just woke up kind of raspy hot. I smiled sheepishly at him before feeling my stomach growl like a dying whale. Blushing and getting a smirk from Gaara, I transformed back into my boy form before getting up followed by Gaara; who lead me to a small noodle shop. After a small bowl of spicy noodles I turned to Gaara asking, "So Gaara what do you want to do?", Gaara looked at me like I was crazy before actually thinking about what we could do. "Train?" "Meh, why not. A friendly spar sounds like fun actually. Lead the way Gar-Gar." I said, quietly as I stood up and did a wave bow at the entrance of the noodle shop. Gaara glared but I noticed he liked the small nickname I gave him, considering we never really had that one person to actually feel all the pain we went through, well, I didn't kill to feel alive like Gaara does but with my love and care he would come to see what feeling alive really means; after all love is the strongest thing that could either bring down the enemy or help concur the worst fears known to man.

Gaara led us to a more isolated training field where we could train with no one witnessing us train. "Ready when you are Gar-Gar!", I called out to the redhead who nodded spreading out his sand. "First to draw blood would have been the way I fight but let's just see who can last the longer.", wow that's the most Gar-Gar has ever said in one go. I nodded and made the first move.

{Nine hours later with a bloody an' beaten Gaara and Naruto later}

I couldn't feel my body, like it was literally numb to the point that I feel like if I move my arms and legs would fall off an' break. "Agh! Ko-Ko are you okay?", Gaara didn't sound to good either judging how he hasn't moved a muscle sense we hit the deck. "Uh, yeah I'm good. Ah~", and just like that my body went lax and my eyesight went black.


I sensed Naruko pass out before passing out myself but before I did I sensed a chakra signature appear by us, letting out an audible gasp before my world went black. 'I am so training again with her~'


I took me nine fucking hours to find Naruto but wasn't expecting to find him all bloody and passed out with a redhead that wasn't faring well either by the time I got there he just passed out by the looks of it. Man what kind of spar did they have here? Looking around, you could tell it looked like a hurricane of five wars were fought here before dispersing into the last two generals standing; sorta like the battle to the death except they were just genin, who apparently destroyed this training ground. 'Damn I wished I could have witnessed this little spar. I bet Naru looked hot when training with the redhead- Ok time to get them to the hospital.' I thought while checking to see if they had any life threatening wounds that needed to be taken care of right now but found none. 'Good it was just a friendly last one standing wins type of battle.'

With that in mind I made a clone, that carried the redhead, while I took the liberty to carry my knocked out Naru. "Excuse me nurse? Can you please give these two a check up please?" I asked, the first nurse I came across the minute I came into the hospital. Yet the minute the nurse saw the redhead she squealed and took off quickly mumbling something while running off scared as hell. 'What's up with her?' I thought, before finding an unused room to put them in before going and retrieving a nurse that could check up on the redhead and my Naru. But the same thing happened every time the nurse's laid their eyes on the redhead. 'What the fuck is up with them? Why are they so scared of the redheaded boy?' I thought, angrily while trying to find an actual nurse that wasn't going to run off like the other eight did. 'Damn nurses. Being bunch of pussies- uh I meant scaredy cats. Yeah scaredy cats.'

So I healed and bandaged up both Naruto and the panda looking boy before bringing them both back to the inn, that the Kazekage let us have for the night and placed them into my room where I could can keep an eye on them and see what Naruto's condition would be at by morning; may need a couple days of rest but maybe he wouldn't, let's just see what he feels like in the morning. "Sleep well my little Sunshine." I whispered, in his ear before kissing his cheek goodnight and calling it a night myself on the couch.

{Everyone Else's}

'How the hell do they just up and disappear like that?!'

'Where the fuck is Kakashi and Naruto?!'

'I wonder where my youthful comrade's are at.'

'Wonder where Naruto and Kakashi-sensei is at.'

'Where are you dobe? God damn perverted sensei is gone too. Fucking A!'

*munch* 'Do I have more chips?'

*looks intently at bug* 'Such beautiful wings.'

'Where are they?'

'Where could they be?'

'Where could the youthful comrade's be at?'

'Alright where in the hell is Naruto? Why is Kakashi-sensei missing too? Where in hell did they disappear off too?'


'Naruto I hope your okay.'

'I wonder if Sasuke will share the bed with me tonight.'

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