{Chapter Thirty-Three}

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{Naruko's Flashbacks}

Age three:

Wobbling slowly down the streets a little toddler tried avoiding everyone the best that they could, occasionally being tripped by someone but mostly the villagers just sneered at toddler. "Demon.", they always called small child that didn't understand or know what that word meant. The small child had spotted a woman with a little child a year older than the little girl and thought to themselves 'Maybe that woman can help me!' waddling as fast as their little toddler legs would allow, the little girl slowly approached the mother and child; the mother instantly spotting the girl, sneered silently but smirked when the girl asked her, "What does demon mean?" the mother simply said, "It means you were a mistake and should be burnt at the stake for even being alive you filthy little demon brat.", grabbing her small child's hand she quickly left a now weeping toddle who didn't know why the villagers were so mean to her.


The villagers did that to her?


I had to pause because bring up old memories that happened nineteen years ago was hard to talk about when I've only ever told Gar-Gar about my past. No one knew of what happened to me every year until six years ago when the villagers took it into their own hands to finally kill me, Kurama stopping that plan from being carried out the rest of the way when he dragged my, very much weak, body to a meadow outside of the Leaf village; there he built a nice cozy cabin where I rested and healed for the last six years now. I was very much thankful for Kurama bringing me here because then I don't know what I would have done if I'd stayed any longer within that village. Breathing deeply I took another sip of tea before continuing my tale.


Age Five:

A little happy child made his way to his favorite food stand, Ichiraku owned by a man named Teuchi and his daughter Ayame. The happy child finally had enough money for a bowl of ramen and was happy to get one. After eating and getting a warm birthday hug from his only friends, that weren't ninjas, and was on his way to go home for a nap; the villagers and shinobi were already on full swing of the festival and one drunk spotted the boy. "What are you smiling at demon?!" an angry voice bellowed above the happy people to change the whole atmosphere around the boy; everyone was instantly pursuing the scared running boy. The boy ran as fast as he could to only run into a drunk smirking shinobi. "There you are brat.", he sneered before kicking the boy in the stomach. The villagers took that as the perfect opportunity to start beating the boy. 'It will be over soon.' the little boy thought, as they beat him but than a bloody scream was ripped from the small boys lung; someone stabbed him with a kuni, causing the mob to cheer in glee as another man approached the crying boy. He carved a word along the boys chest, one by one everyone took their turns to carve something into my skin. A drunk man came close to the boy with a half empty sake bottle and sneered at him pouring the alcohol all over his bloody wounds. A silent scream left blood caked lips before someone sneered once more; slowly the crowd dispersed and left alone was a shaky boy who dragged himself home knowing it was going to be a long life.


Pausing once more I looked up from my now cold tea to see what everyone's emotions were to only find some pale as a ghost and the others oozing in hate. Smiling sadly at them I looked back down at my tea before continuing on with a heavy heart knowing that I was opening deeper wounds of pain for me. "It was the day of my sixth birthday when..."


The villagers were chasing after a scared little boy who was trying to shake the angry mob off of his tail, but was caught by a kuni to his spine. The mob cheered as they grabbed the whimpering boy was unusable legs, tied his hands then brought him over to a stake with dried hay and grass and sticks all around the platform. "Now you die demon for killing my family!" the man says, tying the boy to the post before jumping away only for a shinobi to walk in the boys vision and did the seals for 'Great FireBall' jutsu, burning everything and the very flesh of the boys legs. Heart pained filled screams ranged through the screaming villagers who cheered for the boy burning a the stake alive. A red entity leaked around the burning boy before an eerie voice spoke to the silent villagers "You dare burn me alive?! You will pay for this!" before the entity broke free control the burning boy and moving away quickly vanishing before the shinobi could do anything else, that was the day the villagers and shinobi agreed to make it the demon's life worse than what they were simply doing was child's play.


I could feel my body shaking as I remembered the burning sensation of being burned alive and the fact that my legs we darker shade than the rest of my body was. I heard Kurama come downstairs before feeling a furry muzzle prob my legs. Looking up slightly I met deep red eyes of Kurama who had a concern look across his face before I nuzzled my face into his neck sobbing out in pain as the memories go to much for me.


They burnt her at the stake? Those fuckers will pay!


They will fucking die when I get my hands on their fucking necks! My poor baby!

{Rock Lee and Might Guy}

SO MUCH UN-YOUTHFULNESS! *cries dramatically crocodile tears*


My friend went through that as a kid? Why wasn't I there to protect her?


I should have done something. What kind of friend am I?


This kid is strong if she pulled through all of that. She's truly a survivor all the way.


She had it worse than I did growing up back in the clan. Naruko if you could would you forgive me for being an asshole towards you when we were kids?


That's why she acted the way she did. I can't believe she tricked all of us like that.


The dobe sure had a hard life growing up.


*shakes head* The villagers need a reality check.

{All the girls}

Naruko your so brave to have survived that! *crying into each other's embrace*


Putting my cup down I stood up while announcing that we should all take a break and get some rest before anymore was said because my poor Ko-Ko cried herself to sleep from opening such deep wounds in three hours. Everyone nodded and I slipped my arms under a sleeping Naruko before walking carefully to her bedroom, Kurama following me all the way. Placing her down I kissed the crown of her head before leaving after telling Kurama goodnight; all hope for Naruko finding her peace from this small revelation of talking about her past with the people she grew up with. 'Feel better Ko-Ko and may Kakashi bring you love and peace to your darkened world.'


Slipping into my loves room I was greeted by a nine tailed fox grooming a sleeping Naruko. The Kyuubi didn't even bat an eye at me as I slowly approached them, five steps away from both forms a deep voice spoke within the silent room. "Kakashi Hatake, I give my blessing.", then everything went dark as voices ringed loudly through my head all at once.

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