{Chapter Four}

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{still naruto's p.o.v}

Tears streamed down my face as the water carried them away down the drain of my cold, cold, cold shower. Over and over again the words flashed in my mind making it hard not to cry out in pain, but there was nothing I could do. I will always have to carry these with me wherever I go and no one will ever find out. I will make sure of that. No one shouldn't know about my pain and pity me because of what they did to me. I don't want their pity and I will never get it because they won't find out until the day they find me dead. *knock. knock. knock.* three swift knocks made me freeze and seize my crying. "NARUTO!! IT'S US!! SAKURA, SASUKE-KUN AND KAKASHI-SENSEI!!", Sakura's loud and annoying screechy voice screams out from my apartment door. 'What on kami's earth do they want? Can't I mope in my self pity in peace without interruptions please?' I thought to myself as I scream out in my Naruto voice, "OKAY!! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!!", after getting an 'okay' screamed back at me I quickly turned off the shower, changed back into my henge and ran to my room where I threw on a black shirt, orange silk boxers, and some baggy sweats than running about in my apartment hiding all the threat letters and having a quick clean up, the apartment looked like I just bought it. Walking to the door I put on my fake happy goofy grin while unlocking the door to be greeted by said pink haired girl, duck ass emo king, and lazy perverted porn reading sensei. "Hey, what brings you guys here?" I asked, as I let them into my humble abode getting questioning looks from all three of them, to only remember that I was crying and my eyes were red and puffy. 'Shit.'

{Sakura's p.o.v}

I can't believe I have to do this!!! {inner sakura} 'Cha!! I could be staying at home thinking of new ways to get Sasuke to fall in love with me, but no! I have to go to Naruto's because of the perverted old man says so! Cha! Naruto your ass is mine!!', I don't understand why I have to do this but Kakashi-sensei did say and I quote, "It will help you three bond more together if we stay at Naruto's for one night, and have us switch to go to Sasuke's and do the same there.', and the only reason why I agreed was because Sasuke-kun was gonna be there and then next time when we have a team seven bonding time we would be at SASUKE-KUN'S HOUSE! -cue in fangirling- So after we found Sasuke-kun, we went to this really scary part of the village -the red district- and went to a really small apartment complex that looked really rundown to live in, if you ask me. Kakashi-sensei told us want number apartment Naruto's was, so here we are climbing up five flights of stairs because Naruto's apartment was on the fifth floor. 'Why must you live on the fifth floor, Naruto?!' I asked myself, as we just made it to the top. Catching our breaths, well me and Sasuke-kun were catching our breaths while Kakashi-sensei is reading his porn book. Walking over to apartment room 103A6 I thought I heard something so I stopped walking to listen in on what it was. "What is it Sakura?" Kakashi-sensei asks me, as soon as he realizes I stopped walking and was titling my head like you do when your trying to hear something more better. "I thought I heard something." I said, moving my head in a different angel to only hear what sounds like....crying?

{Sasuke's p.o.v}

They interrupted my training so we could have a team seven bonding get together? What the hell is wrong with our sensei? All he does is, and still is, read that stupid porno book. 'I could be training right now, not be going over to that dobe's house to "bond" with these losers', and to top it off, we have to spend the entire night at the dobe's house. Dear sweet kami, I'm going to die while staying at that loser's house, like I am right now. Stupid Naruto has to live on the fifth floor of this rundown apartment complex. 'Idiot is really asking for it.' I think to myself, as I catch my breath before continue to the apartment room 103A6 to only hear, "What is it Sakura?", looking over my shoulder I see Sakura standing there looking like she was trying to listen in on something. "I thought I heard something." Sakura says, while moving her head in a different angel, and so I did the same thing, and started to listen in on what she was hearing to only hear....crying? That's strange. It's coming from.....Naruto's apartment.

{Kakashi's p.o.v}

Ha! I bet Sasuke is hating this idea and Sakura is loving it because Sasuke is going to be with us. 'Okay. Now all I have to do is tell Naruto this.', after I told Sakura and Sasuke what apartment number Naruto was in, I secretly watched them get very winded walking up all five flight of stairs. Smiling under my mask, I mentally laughed at them as they started to huff and puff, when we reached the top of the fifth floor we made our way towards apartment room 103A6 when I noticed Sakura stopped walking. Looking up I noticed she was listening for something. "What is it Sakura?" I asked her. "I thought I heard something." she says, while tilting her head in a different angel. I looked up at Sasuke to see that he too was hearing it and was staring at the door of 103A6. Taking a deep breath I started to listen in on what was being heard and was hearing something that I wouldn't even imagined I would hear from someone so bright and outgoing. 'Naruto,why are you crying? My sweet sunshine, you shouldn't be crying.'

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