{Chapter Twenty}

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Everything was just blank after that. I couldn't really move to get where I wanted to, my body wasn't listening to me; it was like they drugged me with a tranquilizer. This beating was worse than any of the other beatings they gave me. I had to relive every word carved into my body, every stab, every kick, every punch, every snap of my bones, every time someone penetrated me with their man hood, everything they have been doing to me for years; I had to relive Every. Single. One. The pain felt good making me feel more human but it sucked how I can't move to shut off the freezing cold water that was keeping the pain lingering but slowly my body was starting to numb over that I literally felt crippled, useless in my own naturally born way; a monster that should rot in hell for the rest of their life to give what the villagers want.

{Ten minutes later}

Kick after kick was sent my way as they kept it up before the stinging sensation of someone forcing themselves into me again was known before a scream was finally ripped out of my lips that were instantly covered by a hand. 'I deserve this. I'm a monster and monster's deserve this treatment.' I will forever be one even when I die.


I couldn't stand the things they were doing to my Kit but no matter how hard I push, she would never let me help her. My kit was suffering because of me and now they have finally completely broken her. 'Kit your not a monster. You don't deserve this treatment you deserve love and kindness not this. It's all of my fault your going through this, Kit please forgive me.' I kept healing all of the life threatening wounds that they caused but wouldn't let keep going through the tournament so I pulled her into the mind-scape, she made for us, and just held her with all of my tails whispering to her 'Please forgive me' 'Everything will be okay Kit.' 'Your not a monster you don't deserve this.' 'Your Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze.' I repeated those words over and over and over; like a never ending cycle.


I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong and that Naruko was in trouble or it was just one of those foreboding feelings you get when your mind is playing tricks on you. Yet I couldn't help but to listen to my gut feelings, opening the door to my home I was meet with green eyes and pink hair. "Sakura? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised that she was here at this time of night. Sakura looked sheepish for a second before taking a deep breath bowing her head down as she spoke, "I'm sorry about yesterday for what I said to Naruto." I nodded and said, "Well, it isn't me you should be apologizing to, you should apologize to Naruto but I accept your apology though. Now in the morning when your team meets up again you will apologize to Naruto, understood?" I asked, her sternly because I wasn't going to take my chances with how she was treating Naruko, who has enough to deal with at the moment with the villagers hating her. Sakura nodded before leaving with a small 'goodnight Iruka-sensei.' before heading home to go to bed, after all it was one in the morning.

I shut my door and locked it before heading to bed myself not realizing that I should have been going to rescue Naruko who was being beaten to death by some shinobi's.

{Naruko's mindscape}

Darkness was all I could see yet I felt something warm wrapped around me. "-ive me." wait, who was talking to me? "Everything will be okay Kit." "Your not a monster you don't deserve this." "Your Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze." than they would repeat what they were saying all over again. "Please forgive me." "Everything will be okay Kit." "Your not a monster you don't deserve this." "Your Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze." and then repeated themselves again. "I'm a monster and nothing but a monster." a small grumbling was made before the warm things were moved away from me, turning into...nine tails! Kurama! I looked up just as Kyu started talking, "Kit you are not a monster. You are Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze. You don't deserve this treatment." Kyu sounded mad and sincere as he spoke to me with such conviction it hit me the most in my heart; breaking all of the walls down, tears slowly falling like the rain; pouring out of control. All the pain and the suffering just came crashing down on me. They finally broken me completely and there was nothing I could do to make it all go away forever.

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