{Chapter Six}

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{at the Inuzuka compound Kiba's p.o.v}

Man, I never got to ask Naruto if he wanted to come over for dinner when I found him. "Agh. Oh well. Maybe next time, right Akamaru?" I asked, my bestest friend and companion ever. Akamaru looked up at me with a positive reply, "Right.", with a smile I pet Akamaru's head and than got a shout from my mother, Tsume, to come downstairs for I had a friend asking for me. Knowing my mom I booked it down the stairs, first seeing a fluff of yellow before a really loud, "Hey Kiba!", than was glomped by my smiling mother. Looking up I saw Naruto with a goofy grin and smiled back saying, "Hey Naruto. What brings you here?" Naruto smiles and says, "I was wondering if I could stay the night, since we haven't done that sense in like forever.", I nodded and my mother quickly pulls Naruto into our lovely home to have Kuromaru, mother's companion and best friend, tackle Naruto and slobber all over his face. "Ah! Kuromaru! You overgrown fluff ball!", Naruto laughs out while trying to get out from under him, making my mother and myself to laugh at his failure. "Okay, Kuromaru. Get off the poor boy." my mother said, softly to him, which he did and sat down next to her heels. With an outstretched hand I helped Naruto up off the floor to his feet.


I was so relieved that they said yes because than I would have to come up with a new idea to come up with a believable story, that I have to avoid having them stay at my house. But sadly is that it can never happen. 'Don't worry about it Kit, you will someday have someone to care and love you for who you are.', Kurama sure does know how to make a girl's heart swoon. 'Thanks Kurama I really needed that,' "WHAT THE HELL KIBA!", kami he's going to kill me. Oh. Wait. Shit. Kiba looked at me confused as ever considering the fact that he thinks I'm a boy and not a girl. "Ah, Naruto? You okay man?" he asked, while slowly pulling his pants back on while staring a me intently. I gave him a sheepish smile and said while scratching my right cheek, "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting you to strip right away in front of me. Hehe.", Kiba chuckled at me and says, "Sorry, man. Just wanted to put on my pj clothes before heading down to dinner.", and yet he still undresses in front of me. 'You know, Kit, dog boy doesn't have that bad of a package.' 'KURAMA!! YOU CAN'T JUST POINT THAT OUT!', mentally scolding him while his laugh echoes in my head, I couldn't help but get a good quick glance at Kiba's anatomy to only hear, "Woah. Dude your nose is bleeding.", crap. Damn you Kurama! 'Hahahaha!'


Can't this get any more harder than it is? Dear sweet kami, I can't even figure out why Naruto had a giant cow over us staying at his place. 'I couldn't believe I didn't get to see him in just a towel with water running down his sun-kissed skin, down towards his flat but also toned stomach towards his,' "KAKASHI! MY RIVAL ENEMY!", oh kami, why did I go down this path knowing he would be down here? Why? Looking up I saw my long time friend and 'rival' as he puts it, do his trademark Might Guy pose with a blinding white smile. "Kakashi I challenge you to a eating contest.", ah. I really just want to go and check on my blob of sunshine, to see if he made it to Kiba's house just okay. Oh Kakashi if you only knew, if only you knew how wrong you are about that blob of sunshine.


'Achu.', why do I get the feeling I'm being thought about? Oh well. I continue to munch down the delicious dinner with Tsume, Hana, and Kiba.

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