{Chapter Twenty-Two}

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{After Kakashi leaves}

Laying there alone in this cold bed felt unnatural like something was missing but I couldn't put my finger on it. Turning from left to right, back to side to back again; I turned unable to rest. I just couldn't shut my eyes, knowing for that they were coming to get me and show me what a monster deserves in the night when the shinobi are away. Already by the time the clock struck twelve, the first fist came knocking on my face; with feet flying and knives slicing. Pain couldn't have come any sooner, making me scream and cry for them to stop yet no one listens. "You filthy monster deserve this! Here take THIS!" and then the burning and tearing begins...

{Two hours later}

'MONSTER' why did they have to carve that on my chest? I didn't like looking at it but I couldn't help to see what they did to me tonight. 'I can't take this anymore, Kyu please take me away from here.' the damn broke free and the tears kept coming. 'I'm so sorry Kit...' the pain was too much I don't think I can last any longer...

{The next day}

I woke up feeling sore as hell but had to go on a mission again but this time I was going with the rest of the rookie nine. 'Agh.', forcing myself off the floor I quickly made a couple jutsu's making myself look presentable than walked out into the morning crisp air that burn my lungs with every inhale of breath I took. My ribs were broken and my body wasn't looking all that great under the genjutsu either. "Naruto, how's it going? Excited for this mission?" Kiba's voice rang in my ears that made me flinch in pain from how sensitive they have gotten after my sixteenth birthday. 'Here we go.' looking up I put a big goofy smile on my face and shouted "Hell yea, I can't wait to fight! And get this mission a going! Watch out ninja's Uzumaki Naruto is coming!" Kiba and all of my other comrade's laughed before we set off wanting to get the mission started already. We were to go to Suna to talk with Gaara, who became the the Kazekage after he won the battle between him and his father, and then come back home.

{Second day of travel}

Shikamaru called for a small break in the clearing to make lunch than after we eat we would start heading out again. This wasn't the first time we went out without our sensei's joining in on the mission but Shikamaru made a great leader but he was just too goddamn lazy. "Agh, what a drag.", see. Just watching him was amusing because he always had that look that said 'I would rather be somewhere else than here right now.' but still was highly smart just like Neji, Sasuke, and myself. Just the laziest out of us all. Smart but lazy. "Naruto?" I looked up and saw Hinata handing me a bowl of soup. I smiled kindly at her before taking the bowl with a small 'thank you' before taking small sips of the soup. "So you can eat normally after all." Sakura's bitchy voice reached my ears as did the sound of Kiba choking and sputtering while Choji stopped sucking down his soup to gawk at Sakura. "Sakura!" Ino yelled. I just ignored them as everyone just waited for me to do something but I wasn't going to submit to her will. I won't.


I couldn't wait to see Naruko again because what she told me yesterday made me very angry because those damn villagers keep on torturing her like she was some kind of...monster. "Ah, Naruko please hurry up and get here." 

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