{Chapter Eighteen}

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{Neji's First day of travel}

I still couldn't believe that pink haired banshee would do that to her own comrade, like who would just punch a person that was still recuperating from his very intense workout with that red head, Gaara I think was what his name was. I was surprised to see Naruto and Gaara to be walking within two days after their spar. Even I would have taken at least a week or two to regain my energy and strength back after that kind of battleish like training. 'Mmm, maybe I should spar some time with Uzumaki to gain more strength and learn new moves while I'm at it. Maybe even have Ten-Ten watch and judge the training rounds for us. Yes that is what I shall do. Better be prepared Uzumaki because I won't be an easy opponent.', said Uzumaki twitched slightly on the silver gravity defying hair man's back.


'Oh I can't wait to train Sakura when we get back home because she won't be able to stand or move for a whole year when I'm done with her.', I felt Naruto twitch on my back before becoming still again telling me that he was going to wake up soon if not half way home.

{Half way through the travel still in Kakashi's}

We agreed to move on for another two miles than set up camp for the night until dusk to start traveling the rest of the day and a half way home. "Mmm, agh." guess Naruto was waking up.Jumping onto a secure branch I layed Naruto down from off of my back so he was leaning agents the tree trunk, while he was leaning heavily on the trunk I dug through my sack looking for the water canteen; for him to drink while the rest of the group surrounded us while also keeping an eye out on our surroundings for any rogue nin's. "Ah...Ka-Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto looked cute when he was confused but the way he just said my name made me go in hyperdrive as a special dream I had not to long ago came to the surface of my mind. Holding back a nose bleed while my mask covered my blush, I gave Naruto the water canteen to take a drink of water before explaining what was going on before we could arrive home.

Naruto stayed quiet nodding occasionally as I explained what the plan was, after that he sat up with my help and stretched before we started heading back on our original trail back home.

{Second day of travel}

Just watching Naruto's ass from here was great because every time he jumped to the next branch his ass jiggled teasingly at me before repeating the action all over again as we continued on our way. We had at least another half of day of travel before we would be reaching the leaf village at least by mid afternoon on our third day if we stop for a break in another mile or two.


I could feel someone watching me and felt a tingling feeling happening in my stomach before I got distracted by Kiba who was asking me all about Gaara and how I met him and all. As we talked I couldn't help but feel scared and frightened at the fact we were almost home and I would be greeted by the hatred by the villagers once again. I hated thinking about it but at least I have someone to go to when I truly needed an escape from the hatred of it all. The Leaf will forever be a home to the villagers but it is no home for me. I will never see that place as a home but I won't abandon my comrades like they want me to because I'm stronger than them, that's when I heard it. 'Gaara?' 'That's right Naruko, you are stronger than them so don't give up but if you must just tell me and I shall take you far away from that place for good.' I smiled and chuckled quietly before animatedly talking to Kiba more about what I "did" in Suna after I sneaked my way out of the Kazekage meeting thing we had when we first arrived.


What a drag being stuck to babysit Sakura after she knocked out Naruto. 'Troublesome women.' I can't wait to stop and get to stare up at the clouds..."SUCH YOUTHFULNESS" 'Agh, and maybe get away from them.'

{Half way through the travel}



'Man I could go for some food right now.' I held my growling stomach as we continued on.


'Such an interesting story Naruto is telling.' "buzz."




'Naruto has such a great ass.' *drools*


'Why can't they just get along? I'm gonna have to get them to work together somehow.'

{Guy's and Rock-Lee's}



'I can't wait to train with Naruto when we get back home!'




{Inner Sakura's}

'Just you watch, cha!'


'Who is staring at my butt? Man I feel like I should hide now and I'm not even in the village yet.'


'Oh don't worry Kit it's just your future mate Kakashi, that perverted sensei of your's'


'Man Naruto looks so hot.'


'Just you wait Uzumaki...why do I get the feeling someone is watching my ass?'


'Damn, Neji looks good from back here...hehe' *blushes*


'Why does everyone have to be so wired today?'

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