{Chapter Thirty}

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{six years later}

Soaking in the hot spring I sighed with contentment as I cleaned myself from the hard training I did early this morning. My hair spanning around me as I sat within the water, feeling like I was floating in a liquid Kurama. It was nice and highly relaxing. Caressing my body I smoothed my hands over every bump and indent of every scar and word amongst my body, feeling nothing but contentedness; I was alive and I was free, with my brokenness I became a strong women who will never be tortured again by the monsters of the Leaf. "Yes, Naruko you are very much free.", a raspy voice reached my sensitive ears before a silhouette made itself known to me in a swirl of sand. Gaara.

Smiling I nodded at him as he waded into the water naked as can be, our brotherly and sisterly love to one another made it easy to show off our bodies because we both knew we weren't going to judge each other for our difference. We both didn't talk as we soaked but the silence was very welcomed and wasn't awkward in the least bit. It was a comfortable silence and neither one of us was really going to break it unless we really had something to speak about which wasn't often because we would talk every day through our bond. I loved Gaara deeply and he loved me just as much as his blooded siblings who were older by four and two years of Gaara, Temari the oldest and Kankuro being the second oldest.

*snif snif* *snuffle* *snorting* looking at Gaara I wondered what on earth was sniffing near us to only see a giant white head peak out of the bushes near my clothing up on the rock ledge. It couldn't be. Noticing certain colors amongst the animal's head a voice that sounded far, it's owner for sure, ranged into my ears as the dog came closer to the waters edge before stopping and looking straight up at me. It barked and growled, throwing its body all over the place its tail going a thousand miles a minute back and forth; a miny whip as a powerful weapon that would hurt if strucked by it. "Akamaru! Come on buddy we can't waste anymore time!", I couldn't move as a tale figure landed on the rocks ledge as canine eyes meet blue shocked ones.


We had a mission again outside the walls and the Rookie Nine, besides Sakura, were sent on it along with our old sensei's. We were heading back home from a successful mission of receiving a scroll from Wind country and now we're taking a small break to eat before we keep going. "Alright let's move." Kakashi spoke quietly as he stood up, already jumping into a tree ahead of us; out of all of us Kakashi was the one to take it real hard of Naruto's disappearance six years ago, Iruka wasn't far behind him. Iruka joined us after a year of grieving Naruto's departure. He became a jonine five years ago and he was a goddamn good one too. In Fact we were all jonine's.

We all stood to follow them when I noticed that Akamaru wasn't anywhere near us. Whistling out for my companion, alerting the group, before following after his scent. "Akamaru! Come on buddy we can't waste anymore time!" I called out, as I Jumped over to a tree before seeing him by a rock ledge. Jumping to the ledge, looking forward meeting shocked blue eyes made me pause from doing anything, Akamaru going nuts on the ground. "I found him! I found him!" he kept barking out, as he was excitedly wagging his whole body. 'It couldn't be.Could it?'

{Everyone else}

Where is he going?!

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