{Chapter Three}

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{after the talk on the roof Naruto's p.o.v}

One. Two. Three. Down. Up. Left. Right. Dodge. Counter attack. Dodge. Defense. Offense. Counter offense. Counter defense. One. Two. Three. Step after step was so agonizing my body to the point that I'm reciting the basic rules of one-on-one combat. Like who does that? I guess that's what you get when your own village hates you, no not hate, it's more like despises you to the point that you hide your true colors until one day bam!, someone takes it too far and your true colors appear. 'What a happy thought.' 'Ha! For a rookie that is.', Kyu snorted. I couldn't agree more with that giant fur ball. Pain. With each step that's all I felt, pain, and nothing more. I didn't really understand why they hated me in the beginning but after a little talk with Kyu, I now know everything and can't really get why I'm still hated. It's like they don't see the real me, "HEY NARUTO!", why does he have to yell at me? Like come on Kiba, I'M RIGHT FUCKING HERE! Well I shouldn't be talking because I am way more louder than he is. I turned around with a big goofy grin on my face, while Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino walked over to me. "Hey Kiba, what's up?" I said, while mentally screaming at him to get away from me while I die in pain. Kiba smiles and says, "Oh you know, just walking around. Hanging with Akamaru and Shino." he pointed to said Shino who was too busy studying a bug then wanting to be in this conversation. "Oh. Well that's awesome, believe it! Well I gotta get home, ketch ya later guys.", I waved them off as we departed, and now I can walk in painful strides to my home in the red district; something is bound to happen like always. Nothing new to me.

{after eating two apples and a peach for dinner later}

Looking. Staring. Gazing. Observing. Studying. Gazing upon. Staring back at the same and sometimes new scars or wounds that never fail to catch my eye. Standing completely naked in front of a mirror was a broken beaten looking girl. It never failed to amuse others that enjoy me screaming in pain when I should be with friends celebrating my birthday instead of being beaten or rapped over and over, again and again. Year after year this happens because no one sees me, they only see the monster that's caged inside not the scarred lonely girl. Nope. Never in my life has a single villager given me the time to see me, the real person underneath all these scars and wounds. They rather beat me until I pass out and go into my mind-scape where Kyuubi is at. As I looked at myself, the only thing that ever catches my eyes were the words; the angry drunken shinobi and villagers-some sober- carved into my skin to remind me of what "I" did to the village thirteen years ago. 'MONSTER' was carved into my chest so, every time I run my hands over my chest, those letters are all I would feel and there is nothing I can do to change what they did to me. Nothing at all. 'Abomination', 'killer', 'revolting beast', 'demon', 'repulsive animal', 'ugly', 'dumb', 'low life', 'scum', and these ones are my favorite out of all of them, 'mistake', 'savage', 'heartless', 'poisonous scum', the list goes on and it will never end.

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