{Chapter Twenty-Five}

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Iruka's eyes stared back at me with understanding but how could he possibly understand what I'm going through. No one understands besides Gaara and myself. "Naruko I know what your going through is horrible and uncalled for but please don't end it like this." did he just say my...name? "How do you know my real name?" I couldn't help but feel threatened by him because no one and I mean no one knew about my name. Iruka smiled sadly and told me how he knew up to the small details back on how I acted around him during the academy. He put the pieces together from when I was little and so happen to overhear the conversation I had with Kyu, but why do I still feel the need to end it and just take everything to my grave without having to see someone I care for parish along side me? I shook my head when he stepped closer to me but that didn't stop him from coming closer to me when I was momentarily off balance from my confused emotions that were at war within my head, Iruka embraced me and threw the poisoned food out of my reach but never did let me go. I don't know what happened next but all I know is that I was tired and hurt, my vision slowly blurring out just as figures made their presence slowly known to us but I wasn't having it; with a peaceful embrace that was brotherly love my body gave out as did my heart.


I felt Naruko go limp in my hand as the others made their way closer to us but were highly cautious of approaching when I made a face at them that meant stay the fuck back or else. "Is she alright?" Kakashi was the first one to actually approach me and I nodded but gave a small shake of my head as well because I know for a fact she was far from alright. "She is tired and hurt the least I can say is that this is just only the beginning." and with that I picked up Naruko and took her to my home where I tended to her wounds with worry comrades visiting here and there when they can to see if they could do something for the resting Naruko who was still in her boy genjutsu of transformation that we couldn't release. "Kakashi-san why don't you go home and get some rest. I'll get you when she," "NO!" I jumped from his outburst as he relaxed into a stiff state while he sat near Naruko. "Kakashi?" he let out a sigh before quietly saying "I can't leave her side. I'll wait as long as it takes." his hand slowly slid down her cheek lovingly and of so much full of love and warmth that it took my breath away when I realized he was in love with her. "Alright at least lay down and get some rest in here by her side. I'll be back with dinner." it didn't seem that he heard me but when I came back an hour later with dinner I found Kakashi curled around Naruko in a protective manner brought a smile to my lips.

I walked over to her side of the bed and changed her bandages before tucking her in than pulling the blanket more up on Kakashi as well before retiring back into the kitchen with a silent dinner of curry.


I woke up to Iruka moving Naruko out of my arms and quickly changed her bandages before tucking her back in then raising the blanket more up on me before leaving the room with what smelled like curry. I snuggled Naruko, 'Mm, I'll never get over that Naruto was indeed a girl and had a lovely name.' more into me before falling asleep again more relaxed now that I had the person I love in my arms.


The feeling of someone sleeping next to me ranged through my head bringing panic to the surface but Kyu was quick to sooth it as he told me that Kakashi was the one next to me. I opened my eyes seeing nothing but blurry things that slowly came into focus as I noticed the well kept room that isn't my apartment at all, where the hell am I? I turned slightly in the warm embrace of Kakashi's arms that for some reason brought warmth and love along with safety. "Are you okay Naru?" I jumped at his groggy voice that brought a blush to my cheeks from the deepness of his sexy voice. Wait, what? Did I just call Kakashi's voice sexy? 'Yes. Yes you did.' 'Not now Kyu.' I looked over at Kakashi and smiled slightly at him before nodding and sitting up further; Kakashi following suit not even releasing me from his hold. "Where am I?" I asked clearing my throat from the awkward silence that seemed to hang in the air like a fog. "Were at Iruka's apartment." Kakashi spoke, while absentmindedly rubbed my side soothingly making me blush harder as we sat in silence that just seemed to hang into the air around us but that didn't deter him from rubbing my side.

Iruka came in a few minutes later with food and bandages that were covering my body that was showing some of my wounds that were thankfully not being seen by them. "Ah, Naruko your awake." he smiled warmly at me before setting down the food tray on Kakashi's lap who took the glass of orange juice and sipped it slowly while watching us change my bandages. "I'm full. Thanks for the food Iruka, it was great." I scooted the plate away from me that still had a good majority of food on it but I really wasn't in the right kind of state to eat a lot of food at the moment unless I want to be spending the night in the bathroom. "Are you sure Naru? You hardly ate anything. Is your stomach not handling the solid food?" I shook my head at Kakashi as he looked at me with worry but I soothed it by saying , "No. It's just I can't eat a lot unless I'll be puking it back up." Kakashi was content with my answer as Iruka came back with water that helped settle my tummy before laying down being held again by Kakashi's warming hug. "Mmm~" I wished this safeness and love could only last forever and be like this everyday for me.

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