{Chapter Sixteen}

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{Naruto's Dream}

Fire was everywhere I looked, like it moved every time I moved; creating an abyss of fiery red inferno. When I look up it was nothing but a moving black cloud of ash caring the screams of the fallen and the wounded. Yet I stood on a patch of grass surrounded by the evilness of the flames and screams of death but one single flower remained. Slowly the flower spiraled into a blue flame that created a small gush of warmth within my body, sending me to my knees as the first whimper came from my cracked dry lips. And just like that, the mighty has fallen.

{Third P.O.V}

Scream after scream after scream, the scream of pain and loneliness; the suffering of the child that only wanted a family to love her, hold her, and tell her that she was loved an everything will be alright. Nothing could ever be the same for the broken child before the blue flame that glowed with a warmth she can't have but can get close to only to have it burst into her face with fists and molesting of her body; no one cared rather if she lived or died either way they still tormented her until she dropped. All she can do now is scream her pain away into the black abyss where the mighty have truly fallen.

{Naruto's when he wakes up}

Pain and soreness was all I felt when I woke up from the fiery inferno dream, it felt like I was still there and a scream was threatening to escape my lips, that were chapped and tasted a little bit of blood. Just looking around scared me because I didn't know where I was at nor how I got here. completely freaking out, a scream actually escaping my lips, hands came out of nowhere and engulfed me into a warmth that I never felt before. Like Gaara has held me, yes, but his warmth felt safe and inviting while this warmth provided something more than what Gaara's warmth had brought me. It was hard to explain but I liked the warmth. "Shh, it's okay Naruto. Your safe.", was that Kakashi-sensei? Looking up in the embrace I meet one eye of the only Kakashi Hatake. 'He's comforting me? Why?' my panicking mind calmed down as my body started going lax into his hold but thanks to my panicking I made my already sore body hurt even worse than what I woke up to. 'Great, stupid mind.' 'Easy Kit, I'll take the pain away but the rest is all up to you after all I'm not aloud to heal you unless you want me to but I can ease some of this pain for you. The rest your gonna have to sleep off.' Kyu's voice whispered, softly into my mind as the pain slowly dispersed into a sweet numbness that made me want to sleep for a while longer. I think I'll just do that...


Slowly Naruto fell back to sleep after calming down from his panicking mind making Guy, Kurenai, and the rest of the group to burst into my room wondering what the hell was going on. "Kakashi my youthful comrade what is the meaning of Naruto's un-youthful screaming?", really? I shrugged replying, "He just panicked is all.", Kurenai and Hinata, I think, walked over to look over Naruto who was still pretty banged up but somewhat looked better than when I found him. "What happened? It looks like Naruto went into five battles." Kurenai said, while looking over Naruto's wounds. I explained of what I observed when I found him along with the redhead who was still knocked out from yesterday. 'I'm surprised he didn't wake up to Naruto's panicking.' I thought, to myself as everyone else slowly left the room after checking on their comrade before leaving to either go back to bed or going to get breakfast.

"BY THE NAME OF YOUTH I DECLARE NARUTO A WELL FINE YOUNG MAN!", I believe Guy just woke up Wind and Fire country with that loud mouth of his. Ah, my ears! I hope to Kami there not bleeding, meh they practically are, 'Damn Guy, always have to scream when it's like six in the morning.', no one like Guy I guess who could scream and if we didn't have dress codes he would probably be butt-naked by now. *shivers* okay that's not an image I want to see not if it were Naruto. *nose bleed* "Kashi my youthful friend you are bleeding your youthfulness away!" Guy exclaims, before ushering me into the bathroom where I cleaned myself.


What idiotic fool's, can't a guy get some sleep around here? I know Naruko was alright judging how fast this Kakashi guy comforted her, but the one screaming like a weirdo wasn't so much on my good side at the moment because he was yelling and screaming like it was any normal day to go do. 'Oh it's not like I was sleeping or anything, just keep screaming and pretend I'm not here.' 'Hahaha! Kit it's alright we can kill him later but Kurama is trying to talk you by the way.' 'Who?' Silence. 'Shuka?', Even more silence. 'I'm not Shukaku, I am Kurama. Naruko's demon.' oh yeah, how great of a friend I am for already forgetting about Naruko's demon. 'It's alright little one but I wish to tell you that I have found a very suitable mate for Naruko and wish of your opinion.' 'Okay go on and why am I needed in this?' 'You are needed because Naruko has chosen you as a brother so therefore if you were to wish to speak with her from your village while we are within the Leaf village you can do so through your special bond that Shukaku and I have made for you two to do so as you please. Now the mate I chose is Kakashi Hatake because I got the feeling he is in love with her but hides it so no one will notice, what I need you to do is to observe him and note if he is to your liking for her to take in as a mate but don't tell Naruko I want to surprise her with his love for her. Understand?' I thought it over before agreeing to it before falling back asleep from feeling tired of being conscience.

{Kurama's right after talking with Gaara}

I couldn't wait to put my plan into motion but that won't be for a while because I still have to break into Naruko's true heart; that was blocked off by all the walls that are surrounding it from all of the abuse it went through, but deep down I hope Kakashi can break through every single wall; just so she can feel what it's truly like to be loved and return it back. Don't worry Naruko soon you won't be alone for long.

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