{Chapter Thirty-One}

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Turning we all followed after Kiba and Akamaru who randomly took off on us for some odd reason. I just wanted to get home, report to the hokage before going out to look for Naruto. I never stopped looking and I won't stop until I. Find. Him. I didn't have time for games! Growling I made sure that the whole group was following after the fleeting dog nin who was later found, all the barking and yiping very noticeable, at a clearing frozen staring at two people. Coming closer I couldn't help but to notice Gaara- the fucking redhead was NAKED?! I went to grab Kiba when a glimpse of sunshine yellow hair was seen just beyond Gaara. 'She looks exactly like my Naruto.' I thought as I studied the very naked girl that was slowly coming out from behind Gaara.


Seeing Kakashi again stirred something deep within me, all those feelings I kept pushing down the day I left came flooding back; happiness, sadness, excitement, and overall fear because now he saw they did to me. It's been over six years and he didn't change- wait. Where's his Ich Ich and is that IRUKA?! Taking a double glance it was indeed Iruka-sensei, I had no idea what he was doing here with them but by the looks of things he was a Jonin of the Leaf; no longer a Chunin. Huh. Good for him now he can get paid more than the teaching job was paying him, looking around Gaara I noticed the Rookie Nine; where's Sakura?

Smiling softly I spoke to them after watching poor Hinata faint, "Hello. It's been awhile huh?", they all stared at me like I grew another head but I couldn't blame them because after all I was the girl version of their once "beloved" Naruto.


Simply put I was shocked into horror when the girl was fully emerged in everyone's sight because the first thing that was highly noticeable about her was the dark haggard looking scars covering every inch of tan skin. Audible gasps floated around as a small shout "Hinata!", before long it was silence; no one dared to speak. "Hello. I guess it's been awhile huh?" What? 'It's been awhile? What does she mean by that? Could it bee?'


Secrets UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora