1.0 Ashton: Pity Party

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"Where in Lucifer's name have you been?" Ashton demanded as Luke walked towards him. Luke had his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and he shrugged at Ashton who barred his teeth.

"I was out and now I'm here. What do you want?"

"I want you to start being useful, like Michael." Ashton growled. "Michael isn't know for obeying rules but so far he's followed through on my every command. He is currently showing Amira's little spy around our base." Luke arched an eyebrow.

"Not the real base right?"

"Do you think I'm a fuckin idiot? No." Ashton snapped at him. Luke shrugged. It was the best he could do without angering Ashton further. Ashton scoffed had rubbed his temple. "Just, tell me how recruitment is going." Luke shifted his weight from one foot to the next. He hadn't exactly been recruiting  anyone the past week. He'd been too busy absorbed with Hailey and whatever she was doing. He didn't have time to recruit people when he was trying to figure out why she was following him so closely.

"As well as it could go." Ashton glowered.

"Have you even gotten any new recruits?" Ashton demanded. Luke didn't reply so Ashton knew that was a no. What the Hell was wrong with him? Luke was the first one to join this campaign because he said, "Uprooting Amira should be fun. I'm always down for a little fun." Ashton thought he could count on Luke and he could at first but something had changed. Something subtle. Which made Ashton wary.

"I was getting around to visiting that rogue band of demons in Alabama. I think I can charm them into siding with us." Luke was grinning, the whites in his eyes disappearing as they turned completely back.

"Fine. Go do that and come back here to report to me." Luke fake saluted Ashton, rolling his eyes but before Ashton could reprimand him for it, Luke Vaporized.

"Aw blondie left?" A voice asked behind Ashton. Turning, he found Michael standing behind him along with that demon girl, Rina? No. Rose. Ashton didn't care enough about her to learn her name. She would be dead soon anyways. Rose tried her damnedest not too look conspicuous under Ashton's gaze but it was unnerving being this close to him. His mop of brown hair hung in his face and he stood rigid in his spot. Rose wished he would say something.

"Luke had a job." Ashton replied evenly, giving Rose a sidelong glance. "Who the Hell is this?" Ashton demanded, like he didn't already know.

"New recruit. She's a pretty one isn't she?" Rose scoffed and punched Michael in the guy but he barely reacted to it. "Got a bite though."

"What's your name?"

"Rose sir." Ashton smirked, amused.

"Sir. Not even these assholes call me that." Ashton said gesturing it Michael who shrugged. Rose didn't reply. She didn't know how to. "Well finish showing her around and then get her ass into training. She's going to need it." Michael grinned.

"On it boss. are you going to pay the Queen of Hell a visit this evening?" Ashton watched Rose out of the corner of his eye but she didn't react at all to the question. Damn, she was good.

"I am. Now leave." Michael also fake saluted Ashton before turning around. Rose stood there for a second longer but followed Michael who began to say,

"So that's our fearless leader. Now we should get you to training. I have a few moves I want to show you." Ashton heard the unmistakable sound of Rose hitting Michael before he Vaporized.

Because of the layers of protection around the throne room and the area surrounding it, Ashton only managed to Vaporize into one of the long dreary hallways of the Underworld. He shook his head and quickly made his way to the door at the end of the hall.

He was surprised that nobody came to intercept him. That was probably Amira's doing. She didn't want anyone getting hurt if it was just Ashton. Amira knew Ashton was only after her, everyone she would put in his way was irrelevant and would die by his hands. So Amira waited, sitting regally in her throne.

"Darling." Amira said coolly as Ashton threw open the double doors. He swept his hair out of his eyes and smiled up at the Queen, bowing dramatically, mockingly at the waist.

"My Queen. You're looking lovely as ever."

"I know." Ashton grinned, catching her eye. "I've been expecting you." Ashton smirked. So, Rose had relayed that to her. Good.

"Have you my dear?"

"Yes, you're quite predictable you know." She replied brushing back a lock of her hair.

"Except in bed." Amira tried hard not to smile at Ashton's cocky reply. She covered it by clearing her throat.

"If you say so." Amira stood and walked down the steps toward him. "To what do I owe such a visit?" Amira asked touching Ashton's cheek gingerly with the tips of her fingers, trailing them down his jaw before walking past him. Ashton smirked, turning with her, his hands locked behind his back.

"I cam to lay down some ground rules."

"Ground rules?" Amira asked with a laugh. "Why would we need ground rules? Let alone rules at all." She paused. "Do you want me to go easy on you Ash? Because I assure you, I won't."

"Ash." He repeated. Amira paused, her fingers trailing along the blood red drapes. "You haven't called me that in a long time." Amira could feel his breath on her neck and she was taken back to a time when they had met like this on very different circumstances.

"Need I remind you who it was that left? I couldn't call you Ash if you were gone." Amira said, moving away from him. Ashton frowned. Had he lost his touch around her? Before, that would have her on him in an instant. Things were different now he supposed.

"I wasn't wanted here anymore, you made that clear." Amira sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I never said you weren't wanted. I told you we had to stop before word got around."

"And now everyone knows and you have a war on your hands." Ashton interrupted. Amira smirked.

"One you can call off." Ashton grinned mischievously.

"Have you ever known me as someone who backs down?" Amira shrugged her shoulders lightly, a small smile playing on her lips.

"No, but it's never a bad time to start." Ashton shook his head. "You don't want to get into a fight with me Ashton. We know who will come out on top." Ashton walked towards her and leaned in, whispering into her ear,

"Well, we both know who topped in this relationship."

"I think you'll find that I now take control in everything these days." Ashton tried to pretend like he wasn't affected as he pulled back, smirking. His eyes were black when he blinked. Then he snapped his fingers and disappeared. Amira let out a sigh of relief as he disappeared.

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