2.6 Ashton: In Love and War

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"They've what!" Amira screamed standing up forcefully from her throne. The guards cowered in fear. "Where?" She demanded, stomping down the two stone steps.

"The east entrance my queen."

"Why that one?" Amira demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's small, insignificant.."

"There were only five guards present at the time of the attack." Amira's eyes narrowed as the demon tried to explain itself. "Because we're spread a little thin my Queen. The guards were overwhelmed and now the rebels are trying to make their way toward the throne room."

"Fetch. My. Brother." Amira said through gritted teeth. The guards took off. If they had stayed any longer, Amira would have killed one of them. Beginning to pace back and forth, Amira could barely contain her anger.

"My Queen." Came a soft voice.

"Do not speak!" Amira shouted at the new trainee. Adam stood his ground, only slightly shaking in his shoes as he watched the Queen boil with anger. Adam could practically see the wheels in her head turning. She was coming up with a plot, someway to destroy the oncoming army. Demons knifes were not exactly in high supply, very few demons actually had them, and even fewer Hunters had managed to steal them from demons. And only the oldest of demons, like Amira and Calum knew Lucifer's tricks. Disintegrating a demon soul was not easy, neither was pulling it out of the vessel but Amira could do both. She could defend herself well enough but most of her guards couldn't. And what if she was overwhelmed? Ashton would win and Amira couldn't allow that.

"Sister." Came Calum's voice. He bowed at the waist to her, his eyes already a shining black. "Ashton has invaded a higher region of hell."

"You think I don't know what's going on my own kingdom?" Amira demanded, Calum said nothing. His sister was angry, that was all. "I want you to take him out."

"Him?" Calum asked for clarification, though he had a pretty good idea who 'him' was.

"Ashton." Amira hissed. "Do whatever it takes but I want him dead. I want to feel his soul leave this plane of existence."

"Are you quite sure sister?" Calum asked. "You we're pretty fond of him back in the day."

"I'm. Sure." Maria said through gritted teeth. "He has caused me nothing but trouble Calum. He killed my best friend and I'll be damned if he takes control of what is rightfully mine." Calum vowed again.

"Than it shall be done sister." Calum Vaporized from sight.

"Make sure he brings a legion of demons with him!" Amira barked at Adam. "I will not allow that Ashton to kill my brother as well."

"Yes ma'am!" Adam cried out, Vaporizing away.  There was no way in hell that Amira would loose to Ashton. Not after everything she had built up. Not after fighting tooth and nail to stand where she was today. She wasn't going to let some other petty demon take that all away from her, no matter how gorgeous he was.


"Sir! It's Calum!" A demon declared as Ashton pushed his demon knife into the neck of one of Amira's loyal followers. The fire in their eyes fizzled out and Ashton pulled his knife free. The demon in front of him was from a lower division. Ashton was throwing his weakest in first, this wasn't the real fight, this was a distraction. And if Amira sent Calum, she was playing into his hand. Ashton smiled wickedly.

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