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-not edited

Its been 4 hours and ive been sitting in this hospital chair waiting for an answer for, the doctors . My mom has been texting me constently but i never answered back to any of them .

jackie: dude where tf r u ? mom is worried call me asap

Im at the hospital .. drea got into an accident .

I felt a bit noshes. My hands were cold and I felt numb, like this was all a dream I wish it was a dream.. I closed my eyes and held my hair until I heard footsteps coming my way . "Family members of Andrea Sarto." I heard a male voice say . I looked up and her dad and Mom walked over to him. They were close enough so I could hear what they were saying . "Im sorry to tell you but Andrea is in serious bad condition .Right now she is actually in coma and who knows how long shell be in this stage ."

My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomatch and I stood up . "Can anyone see her ." I asked . He nodded . her dad looked over at me and nodded. I nodded back and walked over to her room . On one of the doors it said 'Andrea .S' . I entered that room and there she was. Almost lifeless connected to tubes . I walked in there and pulled out a chair and sat by the bed . I took Andrea's hand in my mine and thought, 'How could this night turn into a nightmare' I was mad because today was suppose to be the day .. Her hands were cold and her skin was pale like the cream walls . I took a deep breathe and let go of her hand. "babe, I need you to stay, I know you're a strong girl . It don't matter how many days or months youll have to be in this condition but I want you to stay . no, I need  you to stay ." I said . I tried my hardest not to cry

Andrea's pov

I felt bad for him. I don't want him to suffer. I wish I could just lay on my body and come back to life. I stood in the corner looking at my lifeless body and a sobbing Steven .


im sorry this was short afff but i hope u liked it . ill update later idk

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