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I sat there for a while admiring our past memories. i wish she was still here. Everyday i think she is still awake, but then i remember. Shes not. I really wanted to go see if she was awake, hoping she would.. quickly , I finished my food and left. I got into my car and decided to go see Andrea. While i was in the car, i thought about if she was awake. I want her to  be awake. I just want her to be okay, i want everything to be okay , like it was before. I pulled up to the hospital and parked my car. I got out and hoped she's be awake. please be awake. My pace was slow and i didn't want to see her lying on the hospital bed not awake. i want her to be awake so bad. I don't know how much times i've said it. 

I signed in and walked to room 93 (A/N i put room 93 because im hasley af) where Andrea was. I arrived and stood there in-front of the door. The numbers 93 were plastered onto the door in a fake gold color. I breathed in and grabbed the door nob. before i entered  i whispered a quick prayer.

God, please let her be awake, please.

I turned the cold doorknob and there layed Andrea. Eyes closed, pale skin, chapped lips. Still the same. I looked down at my shoes and let a tear escape. I was disappointed. 


(short chapter because im dumb and idk wat to write)

omg guys we have 16.9k.

i finally updated after weeks and weeks omg and school is almost over ayy

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