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I just couldn't anymore. I wanted to die because i don't wanna live with the quilt, knowing that it was my fault she is in a coma. I was the one who took her, i was the one who wasn't watching her, i was the one who didn't jump in and saved her. 

i sat on one of the benches at the park. it was a bit cold, but i felt better. There was hardly anyone out side. People were either going in or out of stores or to their cars. there wasn't much going on. i liked it.  I got up and walked to Panda Express. This was a place i took Andrea a lot, she really liked it. As soon as i stepped thru the door, i smiled. Every-time we came we'd stay here for a few hours talking about life. i haven't smiled in such a long time and it felt good. 

" What would you like today? " The cashier asked. " I want Andrea back.." i mumbled. " Excuse me ?" "oh sorry... i mean uh, can i have  fried rice..." She nodded and i stood there and waited for my food. 

[A few minutes later]; 

I sat down on the same chairs Andrea and I used to sit At every-time we came here. I opened the white box and started to eat my fried rice. Andrea loved fried rice. She would get it all the time. I looked around and started to remember all the memories we had. god, I miss her so much and i just want her back.. 

My mom had texted me a few minutes ago. I checked my message;

1 unread message from Mom:  Steven come home ]


 ANDALE VENTE A LA CASA CARAJO ] ( come on, come home )



ayay i updated finally. thank you for 15.8k i'm so happy, i didn't expect this to get sm reads, just 2 weeks ago i had 14k. thank u guys for still reading my book.

instagram : p6ulina

Never ; steven fWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt