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Dear Andrea,
Today was your funeral. I realised that we are never gonna be together  again. You dont know how much pain this caused me. I wanna die. I feel like a part of me was torn off and now im forced to live without you. I feel dead.  I wanna hold you in my arms and kiss your soft lips again. I miss you already. I dont wanna live  anymore, i wanna be with you. No one even cares if i die. Why would  they?  I only want you. Maybe one day ill have the courage to kill myself, to be with you. Not today. I wish i could. Maybe. Im writing this letter to you because my mom said writing things onto paper make you feel better. You're probably never gonna receive this letter. Its okay. I hope you're reading this over my shoulder.

Lots of people came to your funeral. I saw some teachers, a few kids from school. That got me mad because they never talked to you, and now that you're gone, they come. I tried really hard to not cry alot, or have a panic attack. I failed. I cried alot. But i didnt have a panic attack.

I still dont wanna believe your gone. But you are, and i hope you're in a better place babygirl.  I love you so much and i hope ill see you very soon. Very very soon. Maybe ill write to you more often. It makes me feel better, i like pretending you're gonna get these letters and read them, then write back to me.. i miss you alot. Ill see you soon. Goodbye.



Well.. thats that. Its over. That was the epilogue!  Im so sad i had such a great time writing this book, and im so sorry i took so long for updates. Thank you to all my readers that stuck with me even tho i would update once a month :/ i love you guys , i hope you liked this book omg im gonna miss writing. Maybe ill make a sequel, who knows. Sense this is the end i wanna keep in touch with u guys so follow my social media

Instagram, burnt.nuggets
Twitter, lilcloudpaulina

And check oout my rant book on my profile page :) love u guys, see you soon :((


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