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Stevens pov
"Hey steven wassup" brandons voice echoed in my phone. "Nothing. Why you call me" i sad a bit irritated. "Just wanted you to know theres gonna be a party at my house in a few. Be there" before i could reply he hung up. I sighed and ran my hands through my newly cut hair (guys steven actually cut his hair and he looks so hot i cry)
I didnt like that kid one bit but i was still planning on showing up. I havnt been out in forever. I looked at myself in the mirror and ive looked the same way for months now, noticable bags, messy hair, pale. I stood there deciding what i should do about my appearance. I grabbed a comb and ran it through my short hair. Me still being in pyjamas i sighed. Quickly i grabbed black skinny jeans a chapter three shirt and pulled on some worn out vans. Like any other guy would i put, correction, showered in axe clone. Fuck boy colone. I looked at my self in the mirror once more. I looked like myself again. 

"Diddy, im gonna pick you up we are going to a party , be ready in five" i spoke into my phone. Before he could reply i hung up. I was going to get wasted today. I just want to forget about about everything that has been happening the last few months.

I pulled up to diddys house at eight. Diddy walked out of his house and walked towards my direction.

Hopefully i can get shit off my mind.


This chapter is ew. I lied. Ik im not updating  often but i have writers block again and this is the only thing  I  could write...

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