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Steven's pov

I stuffed my fork into my pancakes as i sat on a stool. Like always i was alone. My pancakes tasted like shit on a cardboard. I wasnt the best cook, the only thing i could make was grilled cheese sandwich, or noodles. There was hardly ever food at the house. My mother? She worked all day. I wouldn't blame her, trying to pay all the bills has been tough latley.

I moved my pancakes around my plate as i looked at the white wall. I started to a hear a muffled sound coming from up stairs. I jumped of my stool and ran upstairs to see what was causing the sound.

My phone sat on my bed with my ringtone playing. I grabbed my phone and put it close to my ear. "Hello?" "Steven, Andrea is being disconnected today, hopefully you can stop by and say goodbye" andreas dad said thru the phone. I chocked on air, if thats possible. Before i could say anything else the phone line went silent. Andrea is being disconnected today. Those words kept repeating in my head. i wanted to cry but i couldn't. I didnt think this day would comw. Ever. I thought she was gonna wake up and everything was going to be okay. I sighed and let a few tears run down
My pale cheeks. I lied to myself. I told myself various times that she was gonna be okay and she was gonna wake up. I looked over to my phone and grabbed it. My funger tapped on the app gossip box. An app i havnt been on sense i started talking to andrea. I thought about erasing my account but i never got to it. Besides i have 6k followers on there just for being a cyber bully. Why did anyone never stop me?

I grabbed a white t-shirt and pukled on some jeans, slipped on my converses and started to walk downstairs. My mind still coudnt process that andrea is gonna be gone soon. Shes gonna be dead.


Yes i updated omg. I have some good news amd some bad news.

Good news: im gonna continue to wrute this book because i lov u guys and i cant leave u hanging like that, AND we have 28.8k omg almost 30k

Bad news: im gonna update very slow because im starting high school next week kms. Im gonna commit sue side1!1!1!! Wateva i hate school bye

OMG GUYS STEVEN TWEETED AT ME TWO TIMES I CRIED. HE GAVE ME TWO NICKNAMES AND IM SO HAPPY AND HE LIKED MY PICTURE ON INSTAGRAM I SHITTED MY PANTS OML. if u ever think hes bit gonna notice u, dont listen to yr self! I thought the same thing. I waited four yrs to get noticed and it happend omg god is good.

Ok im done lol this was such a long a/n bye

Instagram : burnt.nuggets

Leave me some nice comments u rats💕😭

Never ; steven fKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat