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God, i miss her so much. I dont know if i can live another  day
With her like that. It feels like yesturday we were making out in that stupid party when we were nothing. Its been almost a year. Almost a year without hearing  her laugh. A year without seeing her hazel eyes sparkle. A year without seeing her silly faces and beautiful face. The way her hair would get messy when it was windy, or when she would  cry and her mascara would run down her cheeks, even then she was still beautiful. As much as i try i cant stop thinking about her.

I sat on my bed tears starting to run down my cheeks as i wondered if she was ever gonna wake her up. All though we weren't anything, in my mind she was my everything and i cant help but cry oevrr here because i just want her back right here in my arms while i play with her soft brown hair. I feel like a fish in a small dumb glass bowl; Empty. Alone. Confused. Dumb.

I looked down at her phone and the text it recieved from me a few weeks back. I wish she could reply; i miss you too, im coming back soon.

Andreas pov
I couldn't help but feel sad. All i saw was steven on his bed, crying. I do  want to go back.  Im trying but i cant. "Please come back i love you" he said in the middle of his sobbs. "I love you too. " i whispered.  Of course he couldnt hear  me, but it  felt good saying those words again. I miss us. I miss it so much. Ive been trying to wake up but everytime i try i get pushed back. I think of steven all the god damn time.


My dad walked into my room where i was placed. Room 93. He sat on the hospital bed with a blank expression. "Please wake up, i promise ill be a better parent. I dumped claire for you." He said to me. I scoffed. I dont  care about my dad. The only reason why i wanna wake up is because of steven, i need him. "Its okay if you wanna let go.." he spoke as tears started  rolled down his cheeks.

A doctor in a white coat came in with a clipboard. The doctor sat my dad down and looked at him with sad eyes. "Sir, it almost a year without Andrea waking up.  I think its time to disconnect her. I dont  see any possibilty of her waking up." The doctor said to him. My dad sat there with tears filling up his eyes. "I-i dont know.. maybe i will consider it.." he mumbled. I looked at my body. Maybe it is time for me to go. Even my dad wants me out of the picture. He never liked me. At one point he did. "Alright thank you for your coorapertion." The doctor said. He nodded. 

I dont think  this is a good idea.  Steven would be broken.

Guys this book is coming to an end :( comment and tell me to update so i can have a reason to update because i feel like no one reads my book anymore.

Comment your instagrams so i can follow some of you guys ;) or follow mine @ burnt.tortilla


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