authors note again

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Hi guys.. idek wat to say oh gosh, i have 11.7k reads, ive never had this many reads before! anyways im so sorry i havnt updated in more then a month. im phonless at the moment and i HATE writing chapters on my computer. i just want to say thank you to each and everyone of you. 

anyways im not really in the mood to write about steven anymore till he comes back :(  it makes me so sad , i can't even go on his instagram anymore without getting sad, theres just soo much hate and i want it to stop... if your reading this go fill up his recent with postitive things, either if your a scummy or not please. On january 6, if your a scummy write him a paragraph on y u luv him, he won't get his phone back till the 7th. so ya.. please do so. i guess ll see you guys next year. bye.. :(

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