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I sat in the chairs at the hospital. This place was boring and sad. Olive green chairs, cream walls, nervous family's waiting for news, and occasional sounds of the phone ringing. Not much was happeing. Surprisingly i havnt cried yet, ive been trying  really hard not to cry today but i just can't handle the pain. Shes being disconnected.  This means no more occasional visits at the hospital.  No more seeing her beautiful pale skin. No more of andrea. I sulked in my chair as i waited to be called to see her breathing one  last time.  Andrea's dad came my way with  red glossy eyes.  "Hey" i said like he was one of my friends. He smiled sadly at me. "Why would you disconnect her? I dont understand.." tears started spilling out.  Her dad looked at his feet and wiped a few tears. "She'll be happier ". This made me mad. "Cant you see? I wont be happy anymore!" I raised my voice earning a few stares from others. He sighed and signaled me to andrea's room.

I walked quickly with  my heart pounding in my chest. As i saw andrea's door my stomach started to turn in diffrent directions. I took a deep breathe and turned the door nob. Andrea layed peacfully in her hospital bed with machines. I sighed and started to make my way towards her. I never thought this day would come. But it did. 

I pulled out a chair and sat by her bed  and stared at her for a while before speaking  up. I grabbed her cold hands and put them in mine. Just like before and spoke. "I -" and i couldnt keep going. I stopped and cried. My tears made her hospital gown have a wet spot. I pulled my hair and cried so hard, my eyes startrd to hurt. I felt like i was crying blood.

I got up and through the stupid chair across the room. I through all the blankets to the ground , even the tv they had for Andrea . I kept crying. I sat in the corner watching  her because this was gonna  be the last  time ill get to see andrea alive, breathing. I couldn't bring myself to get up.

A few minutes passed and her dad came in. "Steven what the hell did you do?" He said in a worried tone. I didnt answer, i just sat there. "You need to go, im so sorry" his stern voice said. Again, i sat there not even looking at him. He put his arms around me and led me towards the door. I looked back at andrea one more time and he closed the door.

A few doctors went into her room a few miniutes later. I walked towards her room but the door was locked and i sat infront of her door.  I started to hear mumbling in in there. I really wanted to go in. A few seconds later i heard continuous beeps. How could i forget tha t beep? The same beep i heard when my dad died. My heart sunk. They finally disconnected  her.

I began to cry and started to hut the door so they  could let me in. Thwy did. They opened the door and there she lied , she no longer had machines connected to her. I yelled her name. Various times. I ran to her and hugged her dead body. "Please come back" i whispered.  "Shes dead isnt she?" I choked out. Her crying father nodded. I cried even more.


I finally  had the inspiration to update lol :/ this is sadly the last chapter for this book :(

The epilogue is coming soon omg

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