Chapter One-Suprises

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The sun had risen over the city of Sydney. The bright sun burning into the skins of busy people helplessly trying to get through the city, in a small flat near Bondi Beach a brunette skimmed through the morning paper glumly. You see she wasn't any normal person, she was Eidee Quaver, the detective whose life had changed since the day a case slid on her desk, since the day she agreed to work for the biggest boy band in the world; One Direction. Eidee scrunched up the paper in her hands and chucked it to floor huffing and brushing a curl from her cheek. She sighed and got to her feet ready to begin her day as she began every other day.

First she'd escape the paparazzi's questioning about her relationship with the boys.

Then once she made it to her office she'd wait anxiously for the case's that never came. You see nobody was willing to hire a detective who was harassed by the media every day, and Eidee was aware of this. She was also aware that if she didn't start pulling in some case's she would have to hand over her badge...

After a day of just sitting in her office she'd then leave and brake her way through the media and have afternoon tea at Gloria Jeans.

After gulping down her usual Iced chocolate she would emerge from her serenity and fight more media to return home to her lonely flat which looked over the beach.

But little did Eidee know that today would not be her usual day, no today the unexpected would occur.

Eidee grabbed her coat and slipped it on kicking her cat from her path before stalking out the door in her normal red heels. She made her normal way past her neighbour Mrs.Night and down the stairs towards the front door. She bid hello to old postman who had just slipped in his morning letters. Eidee never checked her mail; she never got sent anything anyway. She remember how Louis had told her they'd stay in touch and that she'd have to stay with the boys sometime.

"Pf-ft!" Eidee laughed at the thought. She hadn't heard anything from Louis or the rest of the 1D boys... the only person she'd stayed in contact with was Darian...but even the paps seemed to know more about her life then Eidee got told...

Eidee made her way out the doors and down the main street shocked to see no fans or media reporters. Instead of worrying about the topic she decided just to enjoy the peace and quiet that she never received. She crossed the surprisingly dead road and breathed heavily as her work came into view. 

Her blood boiled as she walked up the stone steps heart pumping like a drum. She knew today was the day... She could just feel it; She was going to hand in her badge. She sighed as she headed past the front desk and towards her own. The desk across from her's still empty; Juli had been promoted to her partner but had declined the job to move to London with Harry. Eidee still couldn't believe Juli had done that. She'd left the other month after the "Take Me Home" tour had ended. Eidee thought Juli had taken the title of the album way to literal.

"Eidee..." A nervous voice came.

Eidee looked up to see the head chief before her his green eyes filled with sympathy and sorrow, Eidee could tell what was about to happen by the way his stubby fingers danced around the bottom of his coat and how his legs were twisted up in nervousness.

"Look Eidee...You used to be... the best-You got hired by One Direction isn't that enough proof! But... haven't been doing anything-"

"I understand Simon. You're firing me." She said quickly. Simon nodded in relief and gave Eidee a sympathetic look.

"If...It was up to me...I would keep you...But for now you need to clean up you're desk and hand over you're badge."

Eidee sighed and put her fingers on the gold badge, she took one more breath before taking it off and placing it in Simon's hand. He quickly snatched the badge from her delicate fingers with a greedy smile on his face.

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