Chapter 39-I Love You

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Eleanor had left, she'd walked straight out of the hotel without a word to any one, Eidee tried to make Louis stay, but he wouldn't listen, he ran straight out the door following Eleanor. Eidee had no idea what to do, she walked back into the living room only to receive four boys asking questions about why Louis and Eleanor had left without telling anyone where they were going. And dully she answered them all, telling them everything about how her and Louis, although she made one point clear, she said it was all her. That she knew Louis didn't want to do and if she hasn't of started it, none of it would've happen.

"...He left her?" Zayn asked after Eidee had finished. He was looking at Eidee with shock, Tellie was asleep in his lap, looking peaceful, but it didn't change the tense atmosphere.

Eidee shook her head. "He told me he wanted to be with her." She lied. "And he should be with her."

"This is all my fault." Liam muttered as he hurried his face in his palms

"How is it your fault?" Niall asked. "If it's anyone's fault it's Louis."

"No it's mine." Eidee said bluntly.

"No it's mine." Liam said. "Louis hasn't even said to her that you guys did stuff while you's were drunk, I thought he wasn't going to tell her... So I did. I told her what you guys had been doing and I said that Harry told him to chose one of you's and she said he didn't have to..."

The room filled with silence. Nobody knew what to say.

"So...he said he was gonna stop the fling with you?" Harry said breaking the silence.

Eidee nodded.

"But he asked you to come on tour with us to watch Tellie." Harry added bluntly. "I don't about you guys, but that seems pretty weird to me."

Eidee shrugged. "You'll have to ask Louis, I don't know how his mind works."

"None of this seems like him, why would Louis cheat on Eleanor then go chase after her when she found out. Tell me Eidee, does Louis come across as the type of guy who would cheat on his fiancé for a whole month to you? 'Cause he doesn't to me."

"What are you implying?" Eidee snapped. "That I put some sort of voodoo spell on him? I may be a bitch Harry, but I am not a witch."

"I'm implying that I think he wouldn't have done unless you had some sort of way to make him."

Eidee was horrified. She still had no idea what Harry was implying. But she didn't wait to find out.

"So what does that mean?" She snapped as she god to her feet.

"Come on I don't think there's a guy you can't turn on." Harry hissed. "He was drunk and you took advantage of that-"

"-He took advantage-"

"-we all know you have feelings for him-"

"-of me-"

"-I never liked you from the start." Harry shouted. "the moment I met you I knew you were trouble...! El said you were a bitch who didn't know what being a relationship means, and looks like she was right...!"

Harry and Eidee were on their feet both glaring at their feet.

"Oh says you! I don't about you but I precisely remember you were in a relationship with some chick named Carly yet you still hit on Juli."

"I went on a date with Carly twice! We were never in a relationship!"

"Still wouldn't shock me if you were cheating on Juli right now! You're a womaniser Harry Styles! And that's all you'll ever be!"

The room was tense, Tellie had woken up and was holding tightly onto Zayn's short trembling in fear. She had tears in her eyes and Zayn was rubbing circles into her back.

"You guys are sick." Zayn hissed as he got to his feet holding Tellie. "Harry, this isn't between you and Eidee."

"She was having an affair with Louis. You're okay with that? "

"Look, Louis was in equal part responsible for the whole thing. So, wait 'til you hear what he has to say before you assume Eidee was the whole cause." Zayn turned to Liam. "Serious Li, I get it El had a right to know, but you could've talked to Louis first. Because he's the one who should be holding Tellie right now, not me."

Zayn left the room without another word. The room was tense and silent. No one spoke, and no one wanted to.

"El..." Louis said, they were standing out side near the pool, Eleanor was crying and Louis was trying to explain everything without making him sound like a total jerk, even though he knew he was a jerk.

"I don't get it." She said bluntly. "If you weren't happy why didn't you just leave the relationship?"

"I was happy-I am happy with you. I love you. I don't even know why I did it. I...El come on, I made a mistake. I big mistake, please don't leave me because of it."

"A mistake? You're calling it a mistake? You cheated on me! You willing had an affair. It doesn't get simpler than that. Just go... Go have fun with your fuck buddy."


"Go Louis!" Eleanor shouted venomously. "You can't cheat on me and expect everything to be okay..."

"I don't expect it all to be fine. I just want to know that we'll work it out. I know you're going to have some issues with me. Just let me know it's not over." Louis replied. "Eleanor Jane Calder I love you. I don't think I can live without you."

Eleanor looked her feet. "Lou...I love you to. Maybe we...we need a break."

"When you say break..."

"A Ross and Rachel break." She said as she tore the engagement ring from her finger and put it in Louis' hand. "I love you."












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