Chapter 14-But Emblem Three...

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"...Mum it's my decious!" Phoebe's voice echoed through the large house, her voice booming off the walls. Darian watched from the lounge room as her mother and sister shouted in the kitchen, arguing an endless battle.

"You have to tell him!" Mrs.Santos argued. "She's his daughter to!"

"He's gone mum! He's already famous, he's in a band! He won't care!"

"That's a lie!" Darian shouted getting to her feet. "You know that's a lie Phoebe...that's why you didn't tell him you were pregnant 'cause you know he'd have come straight back."

The room was now silent and tears were flowing down Phoebe's cheek, she knew Darian was right but she's eighteen, how is she expected to know what to do?

"He wouldn't come back..." Phoebe muttered shaking her head.

"Your right." Darian replied as her mother and Wendy watched closely. "He'd pay for you to move to London, and you'd let him 'cause you don't care what you do as long as someone else is paying for it!"

"Shut up Darian! You don't know what this is like! YOU DON'T! So shut up!"

"I'm not gonna shut up 'cause this is effecting me as well! You and Louis having sex has effected me as well!"

Phoebe opened her mouth but was cut off by Mrs Santos.

"Girls!" She boomed. "There's a one year old and a three year old upstairs so keep your voices down!"

"I'll be quiet when you's mind your own business!" Phoebe snapped. "Tellie's my child and you can't tell me how to raise her mum! I'll tell Louis when I want to tell Louis!"

"Phoebe you have to tell him! You've had a whole year and nine months to do it, and for a year and nine monthes you said you'd tell him!"

"He left me...he never even liked me, he used me to could get laid! He only dated me 'cause his friend's dared him to!" Phoebe shouted while crying. Her eyes were filled with pain and hurt the memories flowing through her mind.

"Ha!" Darian replied. "Don't say he never liked you! He loved you! It was so obvious! I watched him break up with you! After you left he was crying! And maybe if you told him about Tellie you wouldn't be here complaining!"-

Darian woke from her sleep her mind racing from the memory in her mind.

"Babe you okay...?" Zayn mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah..." Darian replied as she moved closer to Zayn in the bed.

"You sure? You don't sound good..."

"Yeah yeah I'm fine...just thinking."

"Yeah? What about?" Zayn asked kissing her neck.

"My sister..." Darian replied slowly.


" the other one."

"Oh..." Zayn mumbled, he didn't know what to say on the subject, the thought of his soon to be sister-in-law made his stomach churn.

"I always told Phoebe she should've been straight with Louis, that she should've told him she was pregnant. But I was thinking if she did tell him...would've I met you?"

"One way or another."

Darian laughed lightly. "Did you just use one of your songs as an answer?"

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