Chapter 49-It's A Boy

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Eidee waltzed through Louis's house calmly, she couldn't stand to be near Tellie right now, just the thought of Tellie being sick made Eidee cringe, she felt bad for feeling that way, but it was something she'd always lived with.

"You gonna have to get used to kids being sick." Louis said as he entered the kitchen where Eidee somehow found herself.

"It's not just kids," Eidee replied with sigh. "It's people, I just find it hard to be around anyone who's sick."

"What about when our kids born?" Louis asked putting his hand on Eidee's stomach. "Am I stuck taking care of him when he's sick?"

"How do you know it's boy? It could be a girl."

"I've got a feeling it's a boy, besides we've got a boy name."

"You actually wanna go with Cameron?"

Louis shrugged "Cameron Tomlinson sounds nice."

"That means both of your kids will start with C." Eidee replied matter-of-factually.

"Then so be it... Eidee, you wouldn't get, an abortion would you? You know I really want this baby right?"

"Lou what is this?"

"I just wanna know that you won't go off and get an abortion, please promise you won't go off and get an abortion."

"Louis, you know I wouldn't do that to you, besides no period this shots good."

Louis scowled in disgust. "I'd rather not hear about that stuff..."

"Why? Tellie's gonna go through it all one day, what are you gonna do when she wakes up one day and asks you why she's bleeding out o-"

"Okay I've heard enough! I'm gonna go check on Tellie. Im dealing with one problem at a time."

"I'm sorry I can't stand sick people, and you can tell Tellie I apologise."

"Meh, she doesn't care."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better or worse?"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

Eidee shook her head with a laugh her eyes flying to the watch on her wrist.

"Crap it's twelve." She muttered. "Lou I've gotta go."


"I've gotta meet Darian, I'll call you after it's over."

Eidee quickly walked out of the kitchen leaving Louis alone, she quickly grabbed her jacket from the lounge room and rushed out the door, not taking a second glance.

There was an eery silence as Eidee and Darian walked through the streets of London, neither if them felt like talking but they talking, but strangely Darian struck a conversation.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked quietly. "Louis was actually really excited about the baby..."

"I'm sure, I just... Having a child with Louis means he's always going to be part of my life, I love him. I really do, but, what if we ever did break up? No one really wants to see they're ex. If we ever did have a baby, we'd be in each others life for ever." Eidee replied curtly. "And what if something happens? Say, Louis dies, then the kids screwed."

"You think Louis' gonna die, lovely."

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying. If anything happens to Louis' our kids never gonna see its sister."

Darian looked confused. "Why wouldn't your kid see Tellie?"

"Oh didn't you know? If Louis dies Tellie goes to Eleanor." Eidee replied dully.

"I'm sure he would've changed that."

"Nope, he hasn't and I know he's not going to."

Darian sighed and bit her lip, the eery silence returned and neither said a word, Darian wasn't even sure where they were going but Eidee sure did, finally they arrived to their destination. Eidee confidently speaking to the receptionist and waiting for Doctor Montgomery.

"What are you going to tell Louis?" Darian asked. "Don't you think he's gonna notice that your not getting fat like pregnant people should? And you guys are practically living together! Don't ya think he'll notice when you get your period?"

Eidee bit her lip. "I'm gonna tell him I had a miscarriage. That way he can't blame me, it just hapepened."

"Eidee." Doctor Montgomery said walking into the waiting room. "They're ready for you."

Eidee gulped before standing up giving Darian a reassuring looking.

"Are you sure about this?" Darian asked.

Eidee nodded. "Positive."















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