Chapter 15-Pathetic

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Time. Time was all that was on Phoebe's mind. She was running out of time, her heart was pounding in her chest as she walked down the street. She walked towards the familiar place she'd been a million time's.

"Louis..." Her voice was weak and nervous as she walked down the path were Louis was already standing his hand running through his hair.

"Phoebe...I-uh, we need to talk." Louis replied in a serious tone. Phoebe let out a shaky breath and she grinned.

"Louis you know how we..." Phoebe trailed off. "We..."

"Had sex?" Louis finished with a laugh.

"Yeah..." She replied looking down at the ground, her palms were sweating as Louis stared at her his blue eyes traveling all over her. "Well Louis uh, there's uh something-"

Louis cut her off. "Phoebe this isn't working."

Phoebe's eyes widened in shock. "Y-y-your br-r-reaking u-u-u-p with me...?"

"Well...yeah kinda, no big deal."

Phoebe's eye's were now filled with tears as she looked at Louis, to her he looked like he didn't care, like he was relieved- she didn't notice the sadness in his face as he bit his lip.

"What-why-what-the-i-but-we-i-what!" Phoebe blabbed out, she was shocked, out raged even.

"Come on Phoebe you didn't think I actually liked you?" Louis laughed, his stomach was turning as he tried to think of lie's Phoebe would believe. "It was a dare, all of it, I never liked you at all, I didn't think you actually believed it..."

Louis looked at the ground not being able to face Phoebe. Louis hated what he was doing, he couldn't even remember why he was doing it-what good could come from breaking the girl he loved's heart?

"I..." Phoebe started weakly. "I...I thought...but Louis..."


Louis looked to Phoebe hoping that she couldn't see the hurt in his face, she'd always been able to tell if he was lying and right now he couldn't stand the thought of what would happen if she knew he actually cared about her.

"I've gotta go." Louis mumbled turning away.

"Louis please, please don't!" Phoebe cried as Louis walked away. "Louis I love you."

Louis walked away ignoring the part of him telling him to go back and tell her he loved her to, that he'd never wanted anything more than he wanted to be with her-maybe he didn't be with her because of the dare, maybe he did it cause it's what he wanted...

As Louis walked away he swore he heard "I'm pregnant..." come from Phoebe's mouth-

"...Phoebe?" Eidee asked waving her hand in front of Phoebe's face.

"Yeah sorry I just...Just thinking bout stuff..." Phoebe replied dully.

"You okay...?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Well Louis and Eleawhore are engaged." Eidee snapped, Phoebe just shrugged.

"I don't care what they do, as long as Tellie doesn't start calling her mummy I'm fine."

Eidee walked around the room examining the photographs on the shelf's. Eidee picked up a photo of Louis and Phoebe who both looked around the age of 16.

"Put it down." Phoebe hissed making Eidee jump.

"Sorry...Are you gonna do anything?" She asked as she put the photo down and looked at Phoebe.

Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now