Chapter 43-Dimwit

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Eidee paced back and forth around the room, Darian looking blankly at her.

"I can't believe you told Chantelle before me." Darian said finally. "Don't ya think maybe I would like to know, and Chantelle-she's got enough babies to deal with-i've got none you should've come straight to me.."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not keeping it anyway." Eidee replied bluntly.


"I'm getting an abortion."

"And, Louis agreed to this?"

Eidee bit her lip and stopped pacing, she sat next to Darian on the leather lounge and sighed.

"You haven't told him have you..." Darian muttered.

"I'm not gonna tell him." Eidee whispered. "He'll tell me to keep it."

"You should keep it, imagine how cute it'll be like have you seen Tellie? Lou has adorable kids."

Eidee sighed. "Darian-

"-Come on at least put it up for adoption."

"You know what'll happen if I decide to do that. Louis'll say no he wants the baby and then we'll break up, I'll never see the kid, and probably having nothing to do with you ever again."

"Keep the baby, problem solved."

"I get an abortion and never tell Louis so he'll never know and continue my life like it never happened. Now that's problem solved."

Darian rolled her eyes. "You may not tell him, but you can't stop me."

"You can't tell him." Eidee exclaimed. "You can't tell anyone, not even Zayn."

"Come on Eidee, are you sure? He should get some say in it..."

"It doesn't matter, getting pregnant was a mistake-."

"That's why there's this magical thing called a condom, they come all different colours and sizes. I'm sure you's could've got one." Darian snapped.

"What makes you think we didn't?" Eidee seethed.

"Well you're kinda pregnant, you know this is actually kinda gross. I'm getting a really disgusting imagine in my head."

"Look, your lucky I even told you. But Chantelle won't be able to come with me when I get the abortion and I want someone to be there. Will you come with me?"

"What day?"

"January 5th at the moment."

"That's not 'til next year."

Eidee nodded. "I know, but that's all I could get. Doctor Montgomery's trying to see if she can get me in earlier. "

"I'll see if I'm free, but Eidee, you really should talk to Louis about it. If you don't want the baby I'm sure he'll understand."

"Somehow, I don't think so..."

"...All Jace does is cry." Niall exclaimed. "I swear all he does is cry unless Channi's holding him. But Arizona doesn't cry at all. She's quiet as!"

"Are you sure you want to start the next album?" Zayn asked curling his lip. "We don't have to start now, if you wanna go home with Chantelle and the twins-"

"No its fine," Niall argued. "besides, she owes me."

"Are you saying Chantelle left you alone with her precious kids?" Louis said with a snigger.

"Yeah, her and Eidee went to the hospital and I had to watch them by myself."

"Eidee?" Louis asked looking at Niall with confusion.

"Yeah she came over and then her and Chan left, and went to the hospital."

"What day was this?"

"Tuesday, why?"

Louis looked at his feet. "Eidee said she was having a job interview that day."

"Is she becoming a nurse?" Harry asked jokingly.

"Did Channi say why they were going?"

"No she just said they were going to see the doctor we saw when Chantelle was..." Niall trailed off his eyes widening.

"When Chantelle was what?"


Louis' mind was racing something about what Niall said had made his insides burn. Something about Eidee's voice when he'd asked to her to one over made his stomach churn.

"Hey." Louis said as he let Eidee in.

"Hey." Eidee replied briskly.

"How was your job interview on Tuesday."

Eidee bit her lip. "It was g-good, I think I got it."

"Where was your interview at?"

"Topman." Eidee said with hesitation. By now her lip was bleeding from her biting it out of nerves, something made her know he knew something.

"And, was that before or after you and Chantelle went to the hospital?"

They were now in the lounge room, Louis and Eidee staring at each other.

"I don't know what your talking about." Eidee replied tartly.

"I think you do." Louis countered in a curt tone.

"Well i don't."

Tellie walked into the room, her pig tails swishing by her head.

"Daddy-" She started.

"Tellie can you go upstairs please?" Louis said cutting her off, his voice was still in the same curt tone.

"Why?" She whined.

"We're having grown up talk, now go upstairs."

Tellie sighed and huffed out of the room muttering quietly to herself.

"You didn't have to send her out." Eidee said. "I think our "grown up" talk is over."

"I don't." Louis snapped. "Why'd you go to the hospital? You could've easily said that's where you were going instead of lying about it."

"Why do you have to know what I'm doing all the time?"

"I don't I was just asking why you had to lie to me about it!"

"I went with Chantelle to the hospital so what!"

"No, she went with you!"

"Oh right I forgot you were there!"

"Why, were you seeing a bloody doctor anyway!"

"Maybe because I'm pregnant you dimwit!"

Eidee put her hands over her mouth, shocked on what she'd just said. Louis stared at her vaguely. Shock written all over his face.












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