Chapter 50-Epilogue

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Rain fell, pelting down from the sky and crashing on London, Eidee didn't care about the rain, she just laid on Louis' bed dully, not even saying a word as he walked into the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting on the bed beside her.

"No!" Eidee scoffed. "This pain, ugh! It makes me wish I had a dick!"

Louis looked at Eidee confused, he didn't know what she meant, was it pregnancy?

"Dude!" Eidee shouted. "I'm on my bloody period!"

"Oh..." Louis muttered in realisation. "Eidee..."


"Eidee, you don't get your period when your pregnant..."

Eidee's mouth opened forming an 'or shape, Louis was looking at her as if waiting for an explanation.


"Did you get an abortion?" Louis demanded.

"No Louis, no I wouldn't do that. I promise I didn't."

"Then what?"

"I was going to tell you when I found out..."

"Found out what?"

"Louis...I had a miscarriage."

Everything seemed make believe to Eidee right now, walking down the dark streets on December 23rd, She didn't know what to expect when she told Louis, she thought he would blame her, but he didn't, surprisingly Eidee ended up with a key to Louis' house. She was nearing Louis' house by now to her surprise. She couldn't remember why she'd decided to walk in stead of drive, she would've been here hours ago; but something about walking down the cool streets seemed intriguing.

Eidee walked up to the house grabbing the key from her pocket and put it in the door.

"Louis!" Eidee called she could hear muffled voices in the other room. She shut the door no curiously walked down the hallway the voices getting louder.

"Lou-" Eidee stopped mid sentence, she was now in the lounge room her eyes wide.

"Hi," Eleanor said curtly. "Long time no see."

Eidee couldn't speak, she was shocked at the sight, Eleanor sitting on the lounge Tellie in her lap, Louis was sitting beside Eleanor biting his lip.

"Eidee." Louis started. "I can explain-"

"There's nothing to explain." Eidee shrugged. "You guys are, talking, after you ignored each other for months. Louis I just wanted to tell you that um, wow I can't, I'll just go.

"Eidee." Louis repeated. Eidee walked out of the room Louis following after her.

"What?" Eidee snapped as they stood in front of the door.

"We weren't doing anything." Louis explained.

"I don't think you guys were-look Louis, when I come to my boyfriends house I don't expect to see him and his ex-girlfriend chatting away."

"Tellie asked for her, she's been asking for El a lot. Look, she looks at El like her mother. I'm not gonna say to Tellie she can't see her."

Eidee pursed her lips. "So, your saying that I'm meant to feel better because my boyfriends ex is only here 'cause his child adores her, I feel loads better."

"Please Eidee," Louis started. "Just understand."

"I guess this means she'll be around more often." Eidee muttered.

"Maybe, maybe not."

Eidee looked at Louis and stepped foreword so they were close together.

"You're lucky I love you." Eidee said as she pecked Louis' cheek.

"Probably the luckiest guy in the world." Louis replied his hands on Eidee's waist.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

Chantelle and Niall laid exhausted on the floor, neither of them wanting to move at all.

"Can you believe," Niall started. "We just painted all of that?"

"It looks terrible." Chantelle whined.

"Does not, looks pretty sexy."

"Yeah, but what if Arizona doesn't like pink and Jace doesn't like blue?"

"Then we've got weird kids no big deal."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Chantelle snapped as she laid her head in Niall's chest. "Maybe they get it from you."

"This our first Christmas with the kids you know." Niall mused ignoring Chantelle's comment.

"Whoa...I wasn't expecting to hear that statement until I was married and living in a big house. And probably in my thirties, not when I'm in my twenties in mine and my fiancés flat."

"Either way, it's our first Christmas with the kids."

"I'm not stupid."

"Well," Niall dragged on as he lightly kissed Chantelle.

"Shut up Irish." Chantelle laughed. "You know if you keep kissing me our luck we'll end up with more kids."

Niall looked at Chantelle with a grin. "As long as they're with you I don't care how many kids we end up with."

"I thought you said you packed lightly." Liam said as he put yet another box in the house.

"I do pack lightly," Destiny replied. "But I'm not going on a trip, I'm moving in with you-besides most of this stuff's Corey's. Speaking of him, do you know where he is?"

"Yeah, he's playing with Loki upstairs."

"You know, I never thought the fact that you have a dog would make Corey like you."

Liam shrugged. "Works for me."

Destiny grinned and gazed at Liam.

"Thank you." She said finally.

"For what?"

"Understanding Corey, most guys usually run when their girlfriends son pretty much hates them-most guys run when they find out a girl has a kid."

"I'm glad I didn't run, besides Corey's six, six year olds do that-Tellie literally changed her mind on who she likes every ten seconds."

"She does doesn't she. But either way Liam, thanks."

"Your welcome."

"What happens if you are pregnant?" Zayn asked as he and Darian closely watched the pregnancy test.

"Then we scream with joy," Darian shrugged. "We've been trying since Jace and Arizona were born. Apparently we're the only ones who can't get kids. No, Chantele and Eidee can both get pregnant by accident but me the person who wants to be pregnant can't get there."

"Darian..." Zayn muttered. "Look at the stick."

"Negative..." Darian threw the pregnancy test to the ground tears on her eyes. "Now what do we do?"

"We try again."

Harry sat alone on the lounge in his house, everyone he knew was doing something with their partners or kids, but here he was all alone. He sighed and looked at his phone neatly placed on the coffee table one thought coming to his mind.

Swiftly grabbing his phone and quickly unlocking it and running his fingers through his apps dialling the finish number he'd memorised years before.

"Hey," He said into the phone smoothly. "I know we haven't spoken in a while, but." he paused. "I'd like to change that. So once you receive this, call me back. Hopefully i'll talk to you soon Carly."




Stay posted for stuff about the sequel!


Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora