Chapter 35-Bad Night New York

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"...Goodnight New York!" Louis shouted before him and the boys ran off stage.

"Good crowd." Niall complimented as they walked towards the dressing rooms.

"Yeah it was," Liam replied he then looked at Louis. "Is El going to come to a concert? 'Cause I know Darian and Destiny are flying down to see a couple, El'd wanna come right?"

Louis new what Liam was implying, 'tell El are I will' but Louis couldn't, he'd got himself into something terrible. Every night he'd be sneaking off with Eidee, and no one seemed to notice, besides Liam.

"I'll ask her." Louis replied curtly. He pulled his jacket off swiftly dropping it to the ground. "Has anyone seen my phone?"

"Here." Harry said as he picked up Louis phone from a table and chucked it at him.


Louis looked at his phone.

Missed call from Unknown caller

Missed call from Unknown caller

Missed call from Unknown caller

Missed call from Unknown caller

Missed call from Unknown caller

Missed call from Unknown caller

Private number: It's Killian answer your fricking phone!!!!!!!

Louis stared as his phone rang again.


"About freaking time!" Killian snapped. "Look something's happened and you have to get to London, now!"

Louis looked shocked. "What-where's Phoebe?"

"Tomlinson! Who gives a shit! Just get on the next plane to London!"


"Tellie's in the hospital and they don't know if she'll ever come out."

Louis didn't need Killian to say anything more, he hung up the phone and quickly pulled his jacket back on not saying a single word before he ran out of the dressing room.


Louis ignored everyone, he went straight down the hallway shoving past security and finding the closest exit.

He quickly went into his phone dialling Eleanor's number.


"Hey Lou-"

"Please tell me your in London."

"Yeah why?"

"Killian called me and something happened to Tellie-I'll text you his number I'm coming to London."

"Louis what-"

"I don't know! I'm going to the airport Ill call you later."

Louis put his phone in his pocket, completely ignoring the calls of his name.

"...Are you serious?" Louis exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sir, the next flight to London's not until ten tomorrow morning."

"This is shit..." Louis whispered.

"Would you like to book a flight for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, yeah that's fine.""

"...Where the fuck would Louis go?" Niall snapped. Everyone had gone to the hotel room hoping to find Louis there but they didn't, he wasn't answering his phone or anything. Liam had called Eidee (although nobody knew why) thinking that perhaps he'd gone somewhere with her.

"No idea." Liam replied as he slouched in his seat.

"Do you think-"

Niall was cut off by his phone ringtone blasting loudly.

"Is that Emblem3?" Zayn asked as Niall's face turned red.

"I can't help what Chantelle changed my ringtone to." Niall replied sheepishly. "It's El."

"Maybe Lou called her answer it."

"Hey El-Has Louis called you or anything? We where in the dressing rooms before and he was on the phone then he just ran out."

The boys watched as Niall's face turned white.

"Yeah okay, call us when you talk to Louis."

Niall slowly put his phone on the kitchen counter his face still pale.

"Does she know where Louis is?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, El said he was going to London 'cause something happened to Tellie." Niall replied.

"Something as in-" Zayn was cut off by the door slamming open. Louis walked in his face covered in worry in annoyance.

"Lou! El just told us, she said you where going to London." Niall said.

Louis nodded. "Next flight to London's tomorrow."

"Louis we get it..." Liam assured. "But I think it's a bad idea to go back to London..."

"Really?" He snapped. "Do you really get it Liam?"

"I do-"

"If you get it, you'll have no problem with me going to London."

"I get it Louis but Eleanor's there she-"

"No you don't get it." Louis snapped his voice rising. "You guys don't fucking get it. Something happened to Tellie-my daughter and you expect me to stay in a whole different country?"

"I've got no problem." Niall said before Liam could reply. "If I got told something happened to Chantelle I'd go as quick as I could."

"Thank you Niall!" Louis exclaimed. Liam bit his lip and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Louis you've already made us have to change your dates I don't-"

Louis cut Liam off. "Do I look like I care! I don't fucking care about that right now Liam! Tellie is more important than a couple of concerts!"

"I do understand!"

"No you don't!"Louis shouted. "If you understood than you wouldn't be asking me to stay here."

Louis left the room, leaving the other four alone, Niall, Zayn and Harry staring at Liam with disgust.













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