Chapter 48-Montgomery Calls

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Eidee laid on her bed lifelessly. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, it was a mix of anger and rage along with sadness and humour. She didn't even know if it was right for her to be humoured, but the expression plastered on her parents face right before she left made her want to break out into laughter.

She carefully looked at her phone praying Louis had called her or at least texted her, but there was nothing.

Eidee sighed again, she couldn't think straight. She had the strange feeling maybe Louis had lied to get out of being near her parents, but if he did she couldn't blame him.

Eidee was snapped out of her thoughts by her phone ringing loudly. She quickly grabbed it praying if was Louis.

"Hello." Eidee said hopefully.

"Miss Quaver," Doctor Montgomery's voice came. "I would've called earlier but I didn't have any spare time."

"Oh," Eidee muttered sounding a bit disappointed. "Um, that's okay what do you need to talk to me about?"

"I was able to schedule your abortion for tomorrow one thirty-if your still interest."

Eidee's jaw dropped into an 'o' shape. She didn't know what to say.

"If you don't want it anymore its okay." Doctor Montgomery said calmly.

"I...I just..."

"If you want it come, if you don't don't worry about it."

"Right okay, um thank you I guess."

"My pleasure."

The line went dead and Eidee looked at the phone screen. She quickly opened up her contacts sliding through 'til she came to Darian.

"Please answer me."

Louis woke due to the sudden bang sound. He slowly opened his eyes realising he was in the same place he last remembered; lying on the lounge with Tellie the TV still on.

Louis looked down at Tellie peacefully sleeping holding tightly onto Louis' arm. Her face was pale but had light tear stains from crying, Louis found of hard to look at Tellie while she cried about being in pain, he felt guilty knowing there wasn't much he could do for her.

Tellie stirred before slowly opening her eyes, for a moment Louis thought she was going to do something dramatic but in stead she just looked up at Louis.

"Daddy?" She said in barely a whisper.

"I'm here baby girl, you feeling better?" Louis asked speaking quietly as well.

Tellie just shook her head.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"N-o, I'm thirsty."

"I'll get you some water."

Louis got up from the lounge and walked out of the room leaving Tellie on the lounge.

Louis went into the kitchen quickly grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and went back into the lounge room.

"Sit up." Louis said as he brant down in front of the lounge.

"Your phone was ringing." Tellie croaked as she dully starting to sit up.

"Okay, you just drinks this love."

Louis handed Tellie the bottle and grabbed his phone from the coffee table.

Missed Call from Zayn

From Zayn:

I think something's going on, something bad.

To Zayn:

What do u mean?

From Zayn:

I mean, Darian was on the phone with Eidee and the word abortion was mentioned at least 7 times

To Zayn:

U don't think...?

"Daddy..." Tellie mumbled, making Louis look up from his phone.

"Yeah baby?" Louis said taking the bottle from Tellie's hands.

"I'm tired."

"Do you wanna stay here or go upstairs?"

"I wanna stay with you."

Louis sat on the lounge next to Tellie. "Do you wanna watch a movie then?"

Tellie shrugged and laid back down her head in Louis' lap. She looked up at Louis her face still pale but not as pale as before.

"Don't leave me."










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