Chapter Two-Street Lights

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"You can't be serious!" An old woman exclaimed. She waved her bony hand in the air as she sat in the bridal dress store. Her red-hair in a pixie cut and make up trying to cover up the wrinkles; she was wearing a cream pantsuit and was sitting next to a similar looking girl with long dark hair a baby in her lap.

"Mom!" Darian pouted as she put her hands on her hips. Darian was wearing a Vera Wang wedding dress that touched the ground with a sweetheart neckline.

"I just think you could wear something a little less revealing..." Darian's mother sniffed. Darian narrowed her eyes as he jaw clenched.

"I-I-I-I think it looks good!" The other girl smiled. She continued bouncy the small boy on her leg as the older woman glared.

"HA!" Darian shouted. "See mom Wendy likes it!"

"What? I never said that." Wendy quickly added receiving a sharp look from her mother.

"You could go a little more expensive."

"Seriously mom." Darian snapped.

"Look I'm paying for this dress so you make sure I like it." Mrs.Walker snapped back.

"Mom, my wedding."

Wendy laughed loudly receiving a glare off Darian.

"Darian you already planned my wedding!" Wendy laughed.

"No I didn't! You did!" Darian sassed.

"No, even ask Dave, YOU planned it."

"Oh get over it! You basically married Dave when you where twelve!"

"No cause he was in love with Phoebe."

Mrs.Walker was the only one to reacted to the mention of her middle daughters name quickly speaking before Darian. "Don't talk about you're sister!"

"Mom, get over it." Darian snapped.

"Maybe if you told me why she died and then got chucked in prison!" Mrs.Walker shouted tears forming in her grey eyes.

"Yeah what did happen to Phoebe?" Wendy asked curiously.

Darian hesitated before looking at her feet. "S-s-she...she tried to take Tellie from Louis." Silence filled the room.

"I mean the part about her death." Mrs.Walker mumbled.

"I don't know'd have to ask Phoebe..."

"She's dead to me." Wendy snapped under her breath. Mrs.Walker sighed and shook her head.

"Wendy she's you're sister...and she's dead to me also so JOIN THE CLUB!"


Wendy gave her mother a high five. Darian rolled her eyes and looked towards the counter. She caught eye contact with the dark skinned woman sitting and motioned towards her mother. The woman at the counter nodded, and slowly got to her feet and walked over towards where they sat.

"Mrs.Walker." The girl said in a thick French accent.

"That's me..." Darian's mother replied.

"We have more dresses over here." The French woman continued. Mrs.Walker's eyes lit up and she got from her seat.

"Thank you." Darian mouthed to the woman. The woman nodded and smiled before leading Mrs.Walker towards a different part of the store.

"UGH!" Darian exclaimed. She walked away from the changing room and sat in the unoccupied seat next to Wendy.

"Champagne?" Wendy asked in a chipper tone, grabbing a glass from the table next to her. Darian nodded and quickly grabbed the glass from Wendy's hand. She quickly gulped it down as Wendy bounced the baby again.

"God I can't believe she's so annoying!" Darian exclaimed.

"Welcome to the club." Wendy agreed.

"I thought it was my wedding."

"Well I'm saying now you're having a chocolate cake." Wendy smiled. She looked back down at the baby and started cooing over him as Darian got more champagne. Darian laughed and shook her head.

"Why chocolate?" She laughed.

"Oh I don't know...perhaps because of the kids!"

"When will Zayn get back?" Darian sighed and slumped back into the chair.

"The night before the wedding."

"He wouldn't..."

Darian thought for a moment debating the topic in her head. She just shook the thought out of her head and got to her feet.

"Where you going?" Wendy asked in an American accent.

"I'm getting out of this dress and leaving before mom can stop me." Darian replied. Wendy chuckled as Darian went back into the changing room. Wendy patiently waited quietly humming "What Makes You Beautiful".

"Quick lets go!" Darian muttered coming out of the dressing room.

"What about the dress?" Wendy snapped.

"We'll get one later!"

Darian grabbed Wendy's hand and pulled her to her feet. She ignored Wendy's protesting and dragged her from the store. Darian could hear her mothers calling as she pulled Wendy down the street.

"I've gotta baby here!" Wendy snapped. Darian let go off Wendy and turned to see the baby crying.

"I'm so sorry Chaim." Darian cooed. Wendy rolled her eyes and started bouncy Chaim in her arms.

"Mom's gonna kill me..." Darian laughed.

"No, she wants to plan a wedding so she needs you." Wendy replied. Darian laughed and started walking down the busy streets of London. Wendy started blabbing on about her plans for the Bachelorette party but Darian was completely zoned out. She'd occasional nod and smile but in her head millions of thoughts we're swimming around.

"Hey I've gotta get back to the hotel, Dave along with Max..." Wendy muttered breaking Darian from her thoughts.

"Oh-Oh okay." Darian replied quickly. "I'll come and see you soon."

"Bye sis."


Darian bit her lip as Wendy walked off with Chaim. Her thought's drifting off to Zayn, hoping he and the boys had managed to convince Eidee to come...




"...Get you're ass on the plane!" Louis shouted sarcastically.

"I don't like planes..." Eidee pouted. They where currently standing in front of a plane at Sydney Airport, they'd been there for a while trying to convince Eidee to get inside the plane and as you can see, they where failing miserably.

"It's a damn plane!" Louis snapped again. Eidee sighed and put one foot on the stairs.

I will not look like a fool in front of One Direction; I will not look like a fool in front of One Direction.

She chanted the words in her head as she tried her best to put her feet on the plane, but as hard as she tried she just couldn't get the fear from her head.

"You come or you stay." Zayn pointed out. "But I won't be the one who tells Darian..."

Eidee quivered as Harry cursed behind her.

"Look Eidee!" Harry shouted. "If you don't get on the plane, I will seriously carry you on there." His jaws where now clenched and his fists tightly together, his knuckles growing white. Eidee's eyes widened as she looked at Harry, she'd heard a lot about Harry being really dangerous when he's angry, besides she did read some fan fic's...

"Guy's I'm sorry, I just can't do it!" Eidee exclaimed. She turned around expecting to see a path ready for her to leave, but in stead she found five angry faces glaring at her.

"That's it!" Harry shouted. He pushed past Louis and grabbed Eidee's waist and started walking onto the plane.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" She squealed.

"It's Harold." He sassed back. Eidee just scowled as Harry chucked her into a seat. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?"

"You're to cocky." Eidee pouted. She folded her arms on her chest as the rest of the boys skipped onto the plane.

"We're on a private jet!" Harry sang loudly. The boys all took their seats, and Louis (to Eidee's displeasure)

"I hate plane's..." Eidee muttered.

"Well you're on one." Louis smirked. Eidee groaned and gazed out the window.

"Louis just shut up please." Eidee snapped.

"N-o-o-o-o-o." Louis snapped sarcastically.

"Louis you do realize I'm pissed at you?"

"Yeah...why is that?"

Louis turned in his seat so he was facing Eidee. Eidee continued staring out the window trying to shake the feeling of having Lou's eyes on her. She kept finding herself slowly taking peeks at Louis. Every time he caught her he'd smirk in delight.

"Louis you ruined my career." Eidee sneered. Louis blinked his face filling with confusion.

"How did I ruin you're career?" Louis sassed.

Eidee rolled her eyes and looked back out the window.

"Love...You okay...?" Louis asked quietly. He put a hand on Eidee's shoulder making her shiver.

"I'm fine..." She whispered back.

"I have a kid Eidee I can tell when people are lying."

Eidee scoffed and looked at Louis. "No, you know when Tellie's lying, so shut up."

Zayn coughed loudly making the room's attention go straight to him.

"I wish we'd get back before afternoon..." Zayn mused drumming his fingers on his leg.

"Why?" Louis asked smirking.

"So that I can tell Darian."

They sat in silence waiting as the plane lifted from the ground and clouds soon formed in the window.

"Do you think we'll be back in time for me to pick Tellie up from school...?" Louis asked quietly

"Not possible." Liam replied matter-of-factually.

"El said she misses me."

"How long have you guys been in Australia?" Eidee asked.

"How long have you been afraid of planes?" Niall replied.

"Since I cam back from England for you're information." Eidee sassed.

"We've been here for a week." Zayn smiled. Eidee's jaw dropped. A week they had the chance to see her, a week they could've came and visited her but no they didn't, they just lazed around the country not even calling to tell her they'd been in Australia.

"Yous all deserve a slap in the face..." Eidee grumbled.

"I ALREADY GOT ONE!" Louis shouted sarcastically. Eidee quickly lifted her hand so nobody saw then...


Eidee moved her hand away from Louis. Louis stared at her shook.

"God what did I do to her..." He thought to himself.

"You ruined my career." Eidee muttered. Lou's eye's widened.

"Shit am I thinking out loud?"

"Yes Lou you are." Niall chuckled.

"Damn my stupid mouth." Louis sassed. They all laughed and smiled.

"London here we come!"


*gets on stage and awkwardly waves*








Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora