Chapter 37-Will She Come Back Again?

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"..News about the car crash early this week north of Abbey Road has released." The anchor was saying. "The driver walked away with no injuries but the passenger-A twenty-three year old female-did indeed die of internal bleeding, sources say there was-"

Louis switched the channel, somehow it was amusing to see stuff about Phoebe being dead, he somewhat didn't think it was true. After all, last time when everyone thought she was dead she'd turned up the next year with a vile plan of attack.


Louis looked to the staircase, and as expected Tellie was slowly walking down into the lounge room.

"What are you doing up love?"

"I can't sleep."

Tellie sat next to Louis on the lounge looking up at him with her clear blue eyes.

"Do I have to go to school again?" Tellie whined.

"No you're still on holidays Tell."

"Yay. Where's Uncle Zayn and Uncle Niall and Uncle Harry and Uncle Liam?" Tellie asked curiously.

"In New York, we're gonna go there tomorrow okay?"


"...Yeah I just had to sign some a couple of papers and pick up some of her stuff, and now I'm about fly to New York." Louis said cooly, he had his phone in one hand and Tellie's hand in the other. Eleanor on Tellie's left listening as Tellie talked. "Yeah I'll call you later."

Louis put his phone in his pocket and looked at Tellie.

"You ready?" He asked softly. Tellie nodded and as Louis led her into the airport, surrounded by security guards.

"What happened to Phoebe...?" Tellie asked looking curiously at Louis.


Louis looked to Eleanor who just shrugged with a sympathetic look, Louis didn't know what to say, some part of him knew Tellie had already spent a year and half accepting the fact that her mother was dead, so why would she find it hard to deal with now?

'But she's only six, no matter what she'll probably take it badly.'

"Do you remember when Aunty Darian told you that mummy went to heaven?" Louis asked.

Tellie nodded. "But she came back."

"Yeah, well she went back to heaven."

"Will she come back again?"

"No love, she won't come back."

Louis couldn't tell if Tellie was upset by the fact, she didn't look even the least bit effected, she just nodded and went back to talking.

"...Well look who's back." Harry mused as Eleanor and Louis walked into the hotel room, Tellie was trailing behind them looking at her surroundings in interest.

"What'd I mi-"

"Shut up Lou, nobody cares that you're here," Zayn said sarcastically he pushed past Louis and Eleanor, and swiftly picked Tellie up. "I've missed you."

"I can feel the love." Louis mused while Tellie giggled as Zayn tickled her.

"Really? I can't..."

"How come Niall and Liam aren't here?" Eleanor asked as she observed the room.

"They're down at the pool." Harry replied he turned to Louis. "So, what exactly happened?"

"Car accident." Louis replied with a shrug.

"No I mean with Phoebe? Obviously something happened or Tellie wouldn't be here." Harry countered.

"She died, at least that's what they're saying."

"I'm gonna go find Niall and Liam." Harry said. "Come with me Louis."

"Um-okay Tellie-"

"Louis she's perfectly fine here with me." Zayn said bluntly.


Harry and Louis left the hotel room closing the door shut with a 'BANG'.

"You're cheating on El!" Harry exclaimed as they got in the elevator.

"What-Liam told you guys!"

"No he only said it to me, but why the hell would you cheat on El? Okay Eidee's attractive but come on, you're okay with the fact that you're having an affair?"

Louis stayed silent,

"Break it off with one of them." Harry said bluntly as the elevator doors opened.

"I am." Louis replied they booth went to walk out of the elevator but stopped when they saw who was standing in front of them. Eidee.

"Well, this isn't awkward or anything..." Eidee muttered. "I can't believe you told him Louis!"

Louis' jaw dropped. "I-I didn't it was Liam."

"Why'd you tell Liam?"

"I-I-you heard him when he found out

I didn't tell him."

Harry looked back and forth between Louis and Eidee, the urge to say something growing bigger and bigger.

"Ugh..." Eleanor sighed as she sat on the lounge in the hotel room.

"Is it just me," Zayn started. "Or did that look like Louis doesn't trust me with Tellie?"

"He does trust you." Eleanor replied blandly. "He doesn't trust me."

"What are you talking about?"

Eleanor sighed again, Zayn took a seat on the lounge Tellie still in his arms laughing.

"I don't know it's just-you know how he got drunk and ended up going somewhere with Eidee?"

Zayn nodded.

"He's been weird since then, he would call me then stutter, then he'd say he had to go and call me half hour later and do the same thing. He's been acting weird to, like he's hiding something. Then we that thing happened to Tellie... He won't trust me alone with her, call me crazy but...I think something happened between him and Eidee..."

Zayn looked at Eleanor sympathetically. "He loves you. Even if something happened between him and Eidee, I know he loves you."
















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