Chapter 20-Nialler

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"...What the fuck's your problem!"

Louis' voice echoed through the room as he and Eidee glared at each other.

"Why do you guys have to do this on my wedding day?" Zayn snapped. "Can't you guys argue tomorrow?"

"No!" They both shouted back. Zayn just rolled his eyes.

"Have fun." He snapped before leaving the room shutting the door lightly.

"You don't get it Louis-"

"What's there to get?"

"Phoebe did nothing wrong! All she did was-"

"Kidnap a child." Niall finished. All eyes went to him and he just shrugged. "She did, you'd think you'd know were kinda the one who arrested her."

Eidee face palmed. "It's not kidnapping if it's your own kid.

"It is if your dead." Louis sneered, Liam and Niall nodded in agreement as Eidee glared.

"Whatever Louis."

"Is she here?" Louis demanded.

"She's in London..."

"Well if your in touch with her tell her to stay away," Louis sneered. "'Cause there's no way she's getting near Tellie, ever."

"Just have fun in court, you do know in custody cases the judge favours the mother?"

Louis looked at Eidee in confusion, he had no idea what Eidee was talking about, at all.

"Catch my drift?" Eidee added.

"Hey guys," Darian said sweetly as she walked into the room holding her dress so she didn't trip. "I know you guys are arguing and that, but maybe do it later before I kick your asses out of the country? Sound good? Thanks guys nice talking to you."

Darian smiled before leaving the room, the door staying wide open.

"I'm out of here." Niall said following Darian out the door. "Hey Darian, where's Chan?"

"Why?" Darian dragged on.

"I need to speak to her, like right now... D'you where she is?"

Darian pursed her lips and nodded. "I think she's with Juli near the cake..."

Darian weakly smiled and walked away following Zayn. Niall looked around, his eyes stopped when he saw Chantelle his nerves growing.

"Hey Niall."

"Oh um hey Miley..." Niall muttered as Miley Cyrus (well Hemsworth...) and Liam Hemsworth appeared in front of him.

"Do you know where the bride and groom are? You know so we can congratulate them and that." Miley replied with a smile.

"So you can make sure they like your present." Liam mused.

"Um, yeah down there." Niall said pointing behind him.

"Maybe you'd know if they'll like the gift."

"Oh um-"

"It's very pretty! It's this-"

"I'm sorry Miley but I've gotta go talk to someone right now, I'm really sorry Zayn and Darian are over there."

"Oh well hank you anyway Niall."

Miley and Liam walked past Niall who eyes had been glued on Chantelle the whole time, but now she was no were in sight.

He walked through the tables his eyes desperately searching.

"El!" Niall called as he walked over to Eleanor.

"Hey Niall," Eleanor said before stuffing cake in her mouth. "This cake's good, tell Chantelle she did a good job."

"I would if I could find her..." He muttered under his breath.


"Nothing,have you seem Chantelle?"

Eleanor shrugged. "I think she was with Juli."

"Okay thanks-"

"Hey where's Lou?"

"Down near the house." Niall replied as he walked towards the dance floor.


Niall turned around expecting to see Miley Cyrus or someone other celebrity with some weird question, but to his joy it was Chantelle, all happy and perky,the front of her hair was beginning to fall out from the bun if was in framing her face in blonde curls her red dress tightly hugged her stomach but flowed down to her feet perfectly.

"Hey Chan, um-"

Niall was cut off by the DJ putting 'Little Things' on and counting into the microphone.

"...I'd like to welcome Mr and Mrs Malik on the dance floor for the first time!" He shouted breaking the whole room into applause, Darian was blushing furiously as she buried her head in Zany's shoulder.

"I-Wanna dance?" Niall asked looking to Chantelle, it was the perfect opportunity, he could slowly slip the question in as they danced, better than a bold approach.

"Oh I-I don't dance... Never have never will." She replied cautiously. Niall shook put his hand out.


Chantelle slowly put her hand in Niall's and he lead her towards the dance floor already full of people.

"So." Niall began as he put an arm around Chantelle's waist. "The cake was nice."

"Buttercream."Chantelle replied.

"You said you can't dance? Niall teased.

"I can't!"

"Well your dancing right now, and apparently you pulled some good moves at Darian's bachelorette party."

Chantelle's face flushed a bright crimson as Niall smirked.

"Are you pregnant...?" Niall whispered as they danced slowly. Chantelle didn't answer she just put her head in Niall's chest. "Are you...?"

"Is it that noticeable?" She muttered. Niall's eyes widened, at first in shook but soon they soon filled with utter happiness.

"Your pregnant?" He repeated.


Chantelle moved her head from Niall's chest worry across her face.

"That's wonderful!" Niall had to contain the excitement, he wanted to shout with happiness, and to think he was begging for it to be a no...

"Your happy?" Chantelle replied gleefully.

"Hell yeah! We're gonna have a baby! Wow... I'm gonna be a dad... I'm gonna be a dad... Holy shit! I'm only twenty, I-I-I I only turn twenty-one this September... Holy-"

"We don't have to keep it." Chantelle interrupted, she was on the verge of tears as Niall's expression changed from happy to worried.

"Are you kidding? I want this baby." He put his hand on Chantelle's stomach his grin reappearing on his face.

"You sure?"

"A hundred percent." Niall whispered as he leaned down and kissed Chantelle, he was the happiest he'd been ever, even when he'd made it past the judges house on to X-factor, right now was ten times better.


















-Paige Queen of the B!tches

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