Chapter 33-Curiosity

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"...Where'd you go last night?" Zayn asked as Louis walked through the door of their hotel room, Louis' head was still aching and was having what could easily classify as the worlds worst hangover.

"Oh shut up, you know where I went." Louis replied.

"Not really," Zayn shrugged. "The pap's spotted you with a "mystery girl" and you told me you were with Eidee, I don't even think Eidee's in New York."

"She is." Louis groaned. "She has a job interview."

"She should come to one of our concerts." Liam mused from the kitchen counter.

"No!" Louis snapped instantly. "You know-uh-she probably wouldn't want to come..."

"If you don't mind me asking." Harry began his voice filled with curiosity. "But you and guys didn' anything did you's...?"

Louis jaw dropped. "Are implying I cheated on my fiancé?"

"You were pretty drunk I-"

"Nothing happened between me and Eidee so just drop it!" Louis snapped, he pushed past Niall and walked into one of the rooms, leaving the boys confused.

"I have a feeling something happened between him and Eidee..." Niall muttered.

Louis sat on the bed his face in his hands. He felt sick not just because he was hungover, but because he felt guilty for cheating on Eleanor. But what made him even more sick was if he got to do it again he didn't think he'd change it.

Louis snapped out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating in his pocket, he pulled it out and sighed when he saw it was Eleanor. He'd ignored her first two calls and he didn't want to ignore her again.

"Hey El." He said as he put his phone to his ear.

"Louis, I don't want to sound like the annoying, whining fiancé when I ask you this, but what the hell where you doing with Eidee last night?" Eleanor replied, the worry in her voice was obvious and it killed Louis.

"I ran into her and we where drunk-"

"So nothing happened?"

"Nothing happened El, why would you think that?"

Eleanor sighed. "I'm sorry Lou, it's just... It's hard to not worry when you see an article on the Internet saying that your boyfriend was seen in New York City with a girl who you know wants him."

"It's okay El I get it." Louis replied.

"Louis I don't want it to come across like I don't trust you I do, I really I..."

"El it's okay." Louis assured her. "I've gotta go I'll call you tonight."

"Okay, I'll talk to you tonight, I love you Louis."

"Love you to."

Louis put his phone-the screen still smashed from when Tellie dropped it-back into his pocket guilt over coming him.

"What now!" He snapped as his phone went off again.


"What did you do to Tellie?" Louis snapped automatically as he put his phone to his ear again.

"I did nothing!" Phoebe replied. "Look, Tellie won't eat I've tried everything. Can you talk to her?"

"Put her on the phone."

"Louis she's six-"

"Trust me she used a phone before put her on."

Louis waited as he heard Phoebe bicker with Tellie.

"Daddy?" Tellie said quietly.

"Hey baby girl are you okay?"

"I don't like her." Tellie said bluntly. "I wanna go with you."

"I know baby, it's only for a couple more weeks-"

"I wanna go home now."

Louis sighed. "Tellie are you eating?"


"No..." She said finally.

"Tellie." Louis sighed. "You remember how you told me if you don't eat you die?"

"Mmm hmm."

"So you've gotta eat okay?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Is Phoebe being nice to you?"


"Thank you Louis." Phoebe said, Louis cod practically hear the smile in her voice, but he couldn't help but feel curious as to why the moment he asked Tellie about Phoebe, Phoebe had taken the phone from her.

"Put Tellie back on the phone." He said bluntly.

"Lou it's nine pm, I told her to go to bed." Phoebe replied matter-of-factually.

"If you hurt her-"

The line went dead. Louis was confused, something about that phone call just didn't seem right...

"Louis," Liam said as he walked into the room, "we've gotta go to the Venice now."

"Yeah... I'm coming."

Louis got up from the bed and follows Liam out of the room, still curious.















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