Chapter 46-Afterthoughts

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"-We've got scars reminding us, that we've got hearts that bleed-"

Eidee dully picked up her phone, she was sitting on the bed her and Louis were sharing listening as Louis and his mother bickered outside the room. She had a feeling none of them knew she could hear. but the urge to just walk out and scream 'shut the fuck up' was growing bigger.

"Hey." She said into the phone shocked at how sleepy her voice actually sounded.

"How's Doncaster Eidster?" Chantelle chipper voice came. "Soaking up the Yorkshire tea?"

"It's sucks, besides I don't drink tea." Eidee replied almost bitterly. "You guys in Ireland yet?"

"Got here a couple hours ago, it's actually going much better than I thought. I thought Niall's mum was going to interrogate me or something, but she's been real sweet."

"That makes one of us."

"What happened?"

Eidee sighed. "First, Lou's mum tried to interrogate me on my whole life story. Then tonight, we were all in the lounge room-me, Lou, his mum, sisters and Tellie-and Tellie, being Tellie. Said that me and Louis were having a baby. I mean it's not like we aren't but...the look on his mums face. It was really awkward after that. Then Louis decided to leave me alone with his mum and sisters so he could talk to Tellie. Ugh. I swear I felt like I was being trialled for murder. And they all started at vultures, turns out they all loved Eleanor and I'm just like, two steps below her."

"You guys are keeping the baby?" Chantelle asked hopefully.

"I tell you that long paragraph and all you ask is of we're keeping the baby?" Eidee snapped. "I told Tellie me and Louis were having a baby so I guess so. And besides, Lou wants it."

"You know how sexy your kid's gonna be?" Chantelle taunted. "Your house is gonna go up in sexy flames."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh come on, your drop dead gorgeous and Louis' sexy as, your kids gonna be hot."

"Trying to steal my boyfriend are ya?"

"No, I'm just saying, your genes plus his genes equals sexy child."

Eidee laughed. "Your kids are more adorable than mine will ever be."

"Of course." Chantelle respond quickly. "They're half Irish what d'you expect?

"Short kids. Oh, and you'll be very disappointed to hear. Tellie's starting to get a new favourite boyband-and she not marrying Keaton anymore." Eidee said humorously.

"Your kidding? Who's this new band taking over Emblem3? If its 'The Wiggles' god help me Eidee..."

"It's not 'The Wiggles'," Eidee laughed, Chantelle muttering a quiet thank god. "It's 'The Tragic Thrills', Tellie's got good taste after all."

"She had good taste with Emblem3, well at least it's a good band anyway."

"So your fine that E3 got replaced?" Eidee teased with a laugh.

"Sure am, Zach Porter was my second husband choice you know." Chantelle replied with no sarcasm at all.

"I'll be sure to tell Niall that." Eidee commented.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. I've gotta go, talk to you later."

"Fine, leave me here alone then Horan."

"Oi, I'm not a Horan-yet."

"I love how you added yet."

"Whatever talk to you later Tomlinson-to-be."

Before Eidee could reply the line was cut dead. 'Damn that Chantelle'

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