Chapter 30-July

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1st July

The time had gone fast, and July had came quickly, Louis had managed to get out of American with Tellie, Harry tagging along, but that seemed like ages ago right now because as of this moment Louis was dully listening to Vanessa Fitzgerald in court, dragging on about how out of him and Phoebe, Phoebe was the more responsible parent.

" the court may not know," Vanessa said as she strode around the desk. "Mr Tomlinson already made it quite clear he never wanted a child."

Louis scoffed loudly.

"Yes Mr Tomlinson?" Vanessa asked sweetly. "Do you have any problems with my statement?"

"Yeah I do." Louis replied bitterly. "Everything you just said was a lie. It's not secret I want kids, maybe you should my book, there's-"

Vanessa cut him off. "I'd rather not."

"Suit yourself."

"Now as I was saying your honour, Mr Tomlinson whole heartedly told my client he didn't even want their daughter, and I honestly don't believe he should have any rights to her now-"

"Rubbish." Louis interrupted loudly. The judge raised his eyebrow, he was a very plum man with a nearly bold head, he had short stubby fingers and a sharp pointed nose. He had a look of amusement on his face but nevertheless pointed his nose.

"Ms Fitzgerald I think I've heard enough, is there anything else anybody would like to add we can get on with this?" He sniffed. Vanessa nodded and retook her seat next to Phoebe who's eyes were glued on the jury, the moment she saw Louis she had a lost had a heart attack, seeing him this close up after all this time was a shock, even though she had to admit, he was still as handsome as ever.

"Your honour." Louis started. "I would like to add that I can actually financially support a child, unlike her."

"I believe I have enough information now. Oh, and Mr Tomlinson." The judge began as the jury rose from their seats and left into a conference room. "Before you leave I was wondering if I could get your autograph, my daughters a very big fan of you and your band and it'd make her very happy."

"Of course your honour," Louis replied a smirk on his lips. "One of my band mates is here somewhere, I could ask them to give you their autographs as well if you'd like?"

"Why that would be perfect!"

Louis beamed and looked to Phoebe and Vanessa, he was smirking widely as Phoebe grinded her teeth together.

Soon the jury walked in, giving the expect verdict of sole custody to Louis, but the judge didn't seem satisfied.

"I give temporary custody to Phoebe Walker," The judge began. "For the rest of the month starting July 4th with no visitation's, the case will reopen August 2nd. Be here."

The judge rose as Louis' jaw dropped in utter shock. He couldn't believe what just happened.


The judge had already left before Louis could object.

Phoebe's eyes were wide with amazement as she looked hopefully to Vanessa. Saying a quiet "we did it." before hugging her.

Louis rose from his seat paying no attention to Phoebe or Vanessa as he walked out of the court room.

"Mate," Harry started as he followed Louis. "It's not that bad."

"Not that bad?" Louis snapped loudly. "You seriously think it's 'not that bad'! I just got told I don't get to see my daughter for the rest of the month!"

Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now