Bruce | Prank Wars

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As requested by: Potterhead221

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Help! Help! Ah!" That came from Tony's room.

Clint and Natasha emerged from behind the wall, grinning at themselves before engaging in their secret handshake. Those two were killing it!

You watched them laugh at Tony, whilst you looked to Bruce and nodded. He nodded, the both of you taking this seriously. You'd even invested in a little tribal paint, your designated colour being green thanks to the one and only Hulk. You'd gone for the camouflage green, but seeing it on Bruce's face made you crack up every time. You remembered the first time you had to try and get it on him. It only took about an hour of coaxing.

You stuck your hand out, just in view for Bruce, and signalled the count down as Tony let out a bunch of swear words, screaming and shouting and flapping his arms about. You could hear Pepper laughing from inside the room as Tony ran out.

A little black spider walked over to you, slightly disorientated and confused as to what had been happening. You held your finger out and it crawled on before you moved it to a plant. The Avengers team always called you Spiderwoman when you moved spiders like that for them. You'd kind of grown out of the fear after a while.

"Three," you whispered, pointing out three fingers. "Two... One..."

And just as Nat and Clint walked out from the corridor, both you and Bruce hit them with a truckload of Silly String. For master assassins, they were pretty funny to watch, screaming a little before batting it away like Tony had the spiders.

Nat glared playfully at you. "We'll get you back!"

Before you could reply, Jarvis gave the point update. "Team Hulk is in the lead, followed by Team Assassins, followed by Thoreal, and in last place is Team Pepperoni."

"Shut up, Jarvis!" Tony called from the bar where he'd gone to get some well needed drinks to calm himself down.

You grinned, before moving to high five Bruce, spraying the two assassins with Silly Spray whilst you were at it. The sound of the hissing can didn't interrupt your mini celebration.








Jane: I love you J

Thor: Shroom shroom shroom!

Jane: What?

Thor: Shrom shroom shroom!

The god angrily threw his phone onto the bed before picking it up to try once again.

Thor: Shroom shroom shroom!

Jane: What the hell?

Thor: It shroom let shroom type!

Jane: Quit typing shroom!

Thor: Shroom can't!

Jane: Fine. You can text me when you're not being a joke.

Thor: Shroom!

Little did he know that it was the product of a miraculous post you'd seen on Facebook where whoever it had been had changed a bunch of random words to 'Shroom'. Following their wisdom, you'd decided to test it on team Thoreal after knowing that tech geek Nat wouldn't fall for it.

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