Bruce | Her Part 1

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Bruce POV -

"Welcome home, Miss (Y/L/N)," I heard Jarvis say from the main level, or what Tony liked to call; the 'hangout' level.

I felt my heartbeat get faster and no matter how many times this happened, it was weird to know it wasn't anger. I didn't know how she could make me feel this way. All nervous and scared but right. It just felt right.

I left the microscope. Nothing interesting was happening to the cells anyways, and now that I thought about it, maybe the other guy wasn't so bad. He did after all help save New York and the rest of the world.

I walked out of the lab and down a flight of stairs only for her to cross me halfway.

She smiled. "Hi, Bruce." Wow. Her smile was amazing. She was beautiful when she wasn't smiling and when she was... My heart began to beat even faster as my brain stopped functioning and I accidentally held my hand out.

Die. Just die.

I wanted the ground to swallow me whole as she shook my hand, laughing and teasing me with; "Hi, Bruce. I'm (Y/N)."

I smiled sheepishly before replying her, "Hi."

She laughed and let go of my hand. No! Why'd she let go?!

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Can I join you? "See you later!" I guess not.

I smiled. "Yeah. Sure."

We began to walk but she stopped. "How's your cell theory going?"

I shook my head. Talking about that cell theory was really giving my brain a run for its money. My cell theory was difficult and not working. How are you supposed to make cells turn into different cells to promote growth in different areas? What if I don't want more target cells?

She pouted. "Better luck next time then, huh?"

I smiled. Perhaps I'd get Tony to help me in secret. "Yeah."

We parted and my heart slowed. I sighed, going to the bar to get myself a drink. Everything was stocked here. Everything.

I just ended up with some of the good stuff, sipping away whilst I thought of her. She seemed to invade my mind constantly. I could look at a tree and it would remind me of her. She really was one of a kind.

I sighed, gathered all the courage I had up and started planning for just how I would ask her out.


I heard her come out of the shower and I marched myself up the stairs, intentionally bumping into her as she came out. She got slightly startled but it was nothing major.

"Bruce! You scared me!" she said, laughing after the shock had passed away.

"Oh, sorry," I said, unintentionally rubbing my right foot into the carpet. What the heck was she making me do?! "Uh, (Y/N)..."


"Could I ask you something?"


"Do you wanna - "

"I have arrived!" resonated through the place. Damn you Thor.

She frowned, looking at me. "Do I wanna?"


"Ah! Bruce!" Thor said, patting me on the back. It hurt in this form, but the other guy would've taken it marvellously, and probably thrown a punch or two back.

Thor looked at her. Oh no. I knew that look. That was the same way I looked at her. He smiled, holding out a single red rose. "Hello, (Y/N)."

Damn you, Thor Odinson.


:D :D poor Bruce :(

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