Chapter Eight

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A/N: Ello Loves! This will probably be the only time I will ever give you guys this opportunity on one of my stories. But I think this is one of the ways I can thank you for putting up with me for so long and that is by giving you all the opportunity to share your stories right here. So feel free to comments on this specific part only and share a link, the name, or even a small summary of your story. But anyways,




•Taylor's P.O.V•

I watched as Claire bought probably about three dozen chocolate chip muffins and stood there waiting for them to box it up. It amazes me how oblivious she was to the fact that every man she walks by basically falls to his knees.

She was gorgeous that was for sure, but she was too kind, too selfless, too perfect. And that's why she couldn't be with Jesse, he was wrong for her on so many levels. He wanted her because he liked that she was so innocent. Of course I don't know if she was sexually innocent, but just her personality made you think she was wasn't real. I have never met anyone in this world that was as sweet as her. Which is why Jesse has to be stopped.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I glanced at my phone and immediately answer it when I looked at the name that appeared. "Melody." I greeted.

"What do you have for me, Taylor?"

"He took down every damn person in that club last night. He even killed Jack and he's the gangs bartender. He'd use him when he needed to roofie someone's drink." I told her and she sighed.

"Dammit. And you made sure that Clover girl couldn't leave right?" She questioned me and I smirked.

"Of course. I made all of her and her husbands bank accounts show a balance of zero dollars. But the plane she was still planning to go on is still chipped and has explosives in one of the bags someone was bringing on." I told her and Melody sighed, sounding stressed.

"Jesse is definitely stepping up his game. I'll get someone to handle that. You need to worry about keeping Claire and Clover out of trouble." She told me and I almost groaned out loud. I don't know why she has to remind me 100 times every phone call.

"Yeah, I got it, but you should know something Mel." I said watching as Claire stuffed half of a muffin in her mouth. "Agents from the EA agency arrived."

"Of course they did." She muttered to herself."Well don't let them know who you really are Taylor. No matter what keep your identity a secret."

"I know, but hey I have to go, Claire's on the move." I said watching as she struggled to carry her boxes from out of the small bakery.

"Okay, stick with the plan Jones." She said before hanging up. I stuffed my phone in my suit pocket and slowly followed her.

"Damn!" She yelled when she tripped over a dip in the sidewalk and her boxes of muffins fell on the ground.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked her.

"Are you following me?" She retorted and I shook my head.

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