Chapter 2

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Asher POV

I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time. I had heard this lecture many more times before and mother still did not believe me; so in result, I zoned out and nodded at appropriate times. My mind can not stop thinking about that girl from the alleyway. I beat myself each time I think of her. If only I would've shown up earlier, then she wouldn't have been in this situation.

I was all my fault. Xavier challenged me to meet there and I accepted it. She was approached at the wrong place and the wrong time, but this feeling in my mind branded itself there saying that it was all my fault. And I believed it.

Damn my stubborn personality! It put a girl in danger and I will never forgive myself. I had not dismissed the tingly feeling beneath my fingertips when I touched her soft skin. Her delicate, pale cheeks. Her innocent shivering figure beneath me. I blamed myself so much. 

"Asher Sinclair, are you listening to me?" Mother's voice demanded. I gave her a slight nod while in my trance. "Go to your room. You have no idea what you have done to jeopardize this kingdom. You have brought a turned human behind these walls! Now she is our responsibility. Leave us." She swiftly turned her back to me in disappointment and anger; but father's face said otherwise as he sat quietly. He was shaking his head and actually chuckled at her dramatic scene.

"There, there Adriana. Everything happens for a purpose and you should know that." He spoke in his soft voice. I stood and walked out the door when mother did not reply.

I finally let go of the breath that I did not know I was holding in. "Damn, she makes a good queen." I mumbled under my breath. Well there goes a wasted hour of my life. I had so many other tasks to worry about; such as fencing and training, but most importantly, spending time with my little brother. I decided to play with Aidan first seeing as I needed a strong distraction and stress reliever after that tedious lecture.

"Good morning, your majesty." The trusted nanny announced as she curtsied and excused herself from the room. I nodded and sat next to little Aidan.

"Hey there, baby. What do you want to play today?" I asked curiously. He stopped making car noises and looked up at me with a wide smile, that toothless smile that I adored way too much.

"Ashy! Ashy! Ashy!" He squealed and jumped up and down. I couldn't help but break into a wide smile and wrap him in a big bear hug. I grabbed him and lifted him as high as my arms could reach, then started making airplane noises.

His high-pitched squealing and laughter was like music to my ears. The sounds from the little child echoed throughout the maze of marble hallways. 

I ran outside into the back garden and carried him through the flower gardens until we settled at the center fountain. He could not stop giggling and my face started hurting from smiling so much. 

"Again! Again!" He pouted with puppy dog eyes, something that I could not resist. I picked him up and carried him back to his room where he picked up his special teddy and replicated what I did a second ago. 

I let out a small chuckle. I would do anything to protect that little boy. I stood  and watched him wear his energy slowly. Such happiness was filled in a tiny body and I adored the little angel for shining light onto my previous gloomy mood. 

He ran around in circles a couple times more times before the highest royal guard, also known as my best friend, came barging in with urgency. He stood in the doorway panting. I wondered what had gotten him so out-of-breath. I kissed Aidan's forehead before dismissing myself and followed quickly after Caleb. Surely it was about the girl.

Did something happen to her? A small voice asked from the back of my mind. 

I hope not. I would never forgive myself. 

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