Chapter 28

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Violet POV

After the second bag of blood my mind was foggy and I felt super weak.  Where was I? What was in that blood? I did not even have the energy to lift my hand up, so I just lay there staring at the ceiling for countless hours.

The clicking of her heels sounded from down the hall. "Good job, Xavier. Now that she's weak, she will never attempt to leave this place. She just has to wait until Asher comes here, then we got him." I can only stare at the ceiling. My eyelids feeling heavier by the second.

"I told you that this bad blood would help. Now a strong person can't be strong." He looked at me mockingly. "How does it feel to be hopeless?" Annabelle laughed and dragged him out the room.

"Leave her, we have other matters to worry about, darling." Her menacing laugh echoed through the eerie tunnel. I swallowed my dry throat. Where is Ash?

"Yes, my queen." Xavier's deep voice ricocheted off the walls. Queen? No! She can't do this. The kingdom will go up in plummet and burn in the flames of hell if this ever happened. Ash was walking right into a trap! This can not be happening, what turned out to be a rescue mission will only be suicide. She only wanted the throne if it meant defeating her own blood.

It did not matter how large the army was; once they have Asher, then it is game over. I need to do something. I have to, or else everything would be a disaster. Think Violet. Think!

The only way in and out of the tunnel was the door at the very end. There was no doubt that someone was guarding the entryway. If I concentrate hard enough, then I can break free from these links.

I grunted and strained with all my might, but nothing came to avail. I leaned on my elbows and dismissed the terrible headache.

I concentrated my strength on one link and pulled on it. It snapped. The loose links fell on the concrete slabs below me. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, begging for nobody to come through the single door. I let go of the breath that I've been holding onto. My heart beat began racing and my mind was spinning uncontrollably.

I felt most of my energy drain from that one pull. I rested my head back down on the concrete slab. I need to regain energy for the other wrist.

Wiggling my hand and wrist around, the cuff seemed slightly loose. If I tug enough, then it might bust. After trying multiple times, I rested on one elbow again and yanked. I bit my lip to prevent myself from yelping in pain. The titanium cuffs were bruising my wrists well, but I could not stop. I had to stop Ash before it was too late.

I fell backwards when the links finally gave way. I admired the heavy material wrapped around my wrists. My new bangles look very fashionable.

My spine popped several times when I sat upright. I stretched and flexed my upper torso. My muscles felt sore and heavy. My head was pounding. I needed to free myself officially.

I took both hands then yanked on a foot at a time. Luckily, the chain was not as strong as the first two. I nearly collapsed when I stood. My eyesight was blotchy and I could not see past the archway, which was 5 feet away.

I looked like a fugitive trying to break out of prison. I was grateful for no shoes, or else someone would've heard me tiptoeing down the tunnel. I lugged my lifeless limbs through the damp hallway. I squinted with all my might and used the wall as a guidance to the exit. I just need to stay in the shadows and regain some strength and energy before walking through the door and facing whatever lies through the other side.

It must've been night time due to the dishes clattering and muffled chatter from people. Jerry should be bringing in a new blood bag soon. I better brainstorm quickly on my next move.

It felt like hours have passed before silence finally grew in the night. I was about to reach for the handle when the door swung wide open and nearly knocked me down. My breath hitched.

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