Chapter Fourteen, Metelli's Old Ruins

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"What's old collapses, times change, and new life blossoms in the ruins."
- Friedrich Schiller

The Sacred Flower Crystalia was found deep into the woods blooming by fall, surrounded by oak trees and standing in podzol. Once it was picked, it will change it's blooming spot and wait another 2 years to appear again. Thus, this was the perfect time. Garroth can pick up the flower for curing the person important to him. Hoping she won't forget the memories and laughs of them. Hoping to remember..

Chapter Fourteen,
Metelli's Old Ruins

It was time to leave at Phoenix Drop. Aphmau and the others went to the the Old Metelli, as Cadenza wishes. But they have stumbled upon the worst person NO ONE would ever want to see.

"I can't believe this is Metelli after all this years.. It must be so hard for Laurance and Cadenza.." Aphmau said.

"Did someone say Laurance? Where is his stupid, stupid, face?" Castor, the Chicken Shaman popped out of nowhere.

"Oh no.. Oh no....No.." Aphmau whined not even the mood to see the Chicken Shaman.

"Ahh look, Laurance! It's been so long since I've last seen you." The chiken shaman said.

Aphmau saw Cadenza running away. "Cadenza? Cadenza where are you going?"

Cadenza didn't even bothered to turn around and said, "NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!" Then she ran away leaving Laurance and Aphmau with the Chicken Shaman.

"Cadenza is.. well, whatever. Laurance my best friend! It is been too long since I've last seen your stupid face. It's been how long has it been.. Probably...One...Two...Three....Chicken." The Chicken Shaman said.

"I'm pretty sure 4 comes after three.."

"HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY PEOPLES COUNTING SYSTEM!? You awful--y-you! Your that terrible chicken house builder."

"I was hoping to Irene you would forget about that."

"How could I forget, you are the one who save my peoples after all."

"Uh? Wha? Wha? What?!"

"You see, TCHB, it turns out those terrible house were miraculously and unexpected were been able to save some of my people that onslaught guards who attacked this area those fifteen years. You, you are a hero, TCHB. We have even planned on building you a statue for you, TCHB. Probably would be made of feathers."

(Note! I am making 'Terrible Chicken House Builder' to TCHB because my hand is pretty tired on writing the whole conversation of Aphmau, Laurance and The Chicken Shaman on my notebook. Took me like a hour to write it and five whole pages, but not back to back. But it's kinda worth it though! (๑•̀ㅂ •́)و Oh and also, I'm not writing the one who said the following sentences, because it might take a while.)

"Heh, Uh you, you gotta be kidding me. But wait, then why are you keep calling me TCHB? Shouldn't I be like the..the Chicken Saviour or t-the something more dignified, not terrible?"

"Your name isn't TCHB?"

"I....I think I need to find a cliff to jump over now..."

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