Note #3 - Mini Note!

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How's your day? Good, Great, Bad?

Anyways, as you can see above, this is titled 'Mini-Note' which I'll be informing you many, many (sort of) kinds of information for this book.

First, I will suggest that you read MJ_PolonXD's book, A crazy love story. Why? In this book you will see the adventures of Mj and her friends to Phoenix Drop. This is actually a Roleplay story, which makes it stand out from other writers.

Second, Tomorrow is gonna be Two-Chapters-One-Day Day! If, possible… x3

Third, If you are an Otaku or an Anime addict, I suggest you read my story, Place to Place! It is about a girl who goes to missions on every anime you know.

Fourth, Gruvia (Fairy Tail) Shipper? If Yes, Come read my other fanfiction, Forbidden Again! I will be working with SkySnowFlake, the ultimate Gruvia shipper I know. And if you do know any Gruvia shippers out there, how about you suggest Forbidden Again to them?

Fifth, The BFF Challenge!

MJ_PolonXD // You are nice and awesome at the same time. We're not that close, but we do help each other! You we're like my twin, A Boyish Girl with an awesome personality! I would like to thank you too for everything. That message you gave me in your BFF Challenge, was meaningful in one sentence. I'm glad that I met you. Everyone will like to be your friend or your best friend. Again, Thanks. (‘∀’●)♡

•SkySnowFlake // I have absolutely nothing to say to you, but really thanks. For encouraging me sometimes, making me happy when I'm sad, almost everything you've done to me was wonderful and I'm glad to have a friend like you. (Don't you dare tell the three word to Boop or I'll tackle you to death.) XD

StarFrostedHero // "I swear if you did not publish your book after Kaylie and I have been waiting almost six months, I swear I will let Garroth tackle you to death. I'm serious. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.. MUHAHA!"

This is mostly my Wattpad friends, so I'm only writing my top three friends a thank you. And since it's Thanksgiving, I want to nominate you. Yes You Reader, to Thank a friend, your dearest friend and make his/her special to you! Do that in the comments below.

Thank You guys, that is only for this mini note, and have a great day!

*will be deleted on Wednesday*

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