Chapter 30: Man, Woman and Child

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Trailer for my collab story with ReadingByTorchlight above. Special thanks to Itz_complicated for helping us with the voice over.


He was down to skin and bones. Nothing was left but this war. He could almost see everyone dying before his eyes.


There was still hope. A small light. His last hope. The last light before the dawn. The twilight.

That hope was honor. No one wanted to strike the first blow.

But Ahkmenrah assumed too much of this Sumerian General.

Sargon didn't care a whim for honor.


The Nubian King, Dala Eden, gawked. Fascinated by the spectacle before him. The Sumerian General had laid one million debens of gold at his feet. It was more gold than he would be able tax his people, even if he managed to live till the age of seventy.

"We would be playing a very dangerous game." Said Dala looking greedily at the gold.

The young General grinned. "But Your Highness this is more gold than you shall ever see in your life time"

Dala stroked his dark beard. A beard that was a dark as his skin. He wore vibrant majestic colours but despite that the Nubian King looked cheap. Sargon had researched his allies and enemies well. For a cheap King was easy to buy, use then destroy.

Dala couldn't keep his eyes off the gold. It was disgusting really. His grotesque yellow dry eyes wide at the prospect of seeing so much gold in one place. His mouth hanging open. Over all giving him the appearance of a yawning baboon.

Dala smiled in what he probably thought looked kingly and sly. But he looked ridiculous.

"You have a deal General"


Nailah caressed Kain's untamed hair as he rested his head on her lap. He had his eyes closed relishing the moment of peace and love.

His eyes finally opened and looked up at Nailah's thoughtful face staring into the distance. The river Nile's sparkling waters casting rippling lights on her lovely face.

"What are you thinking about Nailah?" he asked smiling.

"About this war. It's been rumored that this Sargon plans to attack soon."

Kain's face fell as he sat up.

"They are just rumors Nailah..."

"I know Kain but I'm worried. What will happen to Egypt. Our Pharaoh and his family would be paraded shamelessly around the streets" Nailah shuddered at this thought. There was nothing worse than seeing a fallen King.

"You know Pretty Boy and his brother may be young but they have sense. They would rather kill themselves and their own family than be paraded around like that."

"That's rather harsh."

"It's the price of honor"

Nailah sighed, "It never ceases to amaze me how well you can read people. You've only ever seen him twice Kain"

Kain grinned. "Who knows maybe Pretty Boy and I have a connection. I mean he is very pretty..."

Nailah laughed "Why don't you marry him instead?"

Ahkmenrah: The Fourth King of the Fourth KingsWhere stories live. Discover now